
Damaged Fish........?

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Well my Male Platy got himself into quite a predicament. He some how swam through a tiny gap then upward in the castle and got stuck in the tower part. I have no idea how long he was there for. I actually thought he was dead until I went to pull the castle out. So we attempted to get him unstuck...much to the dismay of the castle. (which is now in the trash because we had to cut it to give him a way out)

He is swimming. But from time to time just rests at the bottom. (he's usually the most active fish, and he'll just stay in one spot for like an hour). And he has a huge Chunk missing around the top of his body (I think from being stuck and trying to wiggle out)

Would Melafix of quick cure help the healing process? Do you think he has a chance? Also we don't have a separate tank, so he has to stay with the other you think they'll gang up an kill him? (sorta like in the wild where the pack kills the injured member)

He was my favorite little guy, so I'm worried he won't make it. We just got him out tonight, a few hours ago. So I wanted to try and do the right thing, and didnt want to put anything in the water that might make it worse.




  1. It is very likely that your other fish will gang up on him since he already has an open wound. What I suggest you do is buy a net breeder from petsmart or petco and throw your fish in it. It can stay in the same tank as the other fish, and will give it a safe place to hid, plus many today are made to allow water flow from the tank through it. Also I would treat with melafix because it will not harm your other fish who have nothing wrong with them. But will help the healing process and it is a preventitive and can stop infection to that spot.

    He is probably just swimming like that now due to the stress. I am sure he will be fine but you have to give him time. More than likely that is why he is just resting on the bottom of the tank. He could also be in pain. He very could easily make it through this though as long as the right precautions and treatment steps are taken. But I definately recommend separating him from the other fish. The net breeder I recommend is from Petsmart and will only cost about $3.75 I believe.

  2. Take him to the toilet & give him a burial at sea or u could coat him with batter & fry him up with some chips, Yumm!!

  3. he'll be fine.. the sinking is normal from my experience.. if you can try lifting him up in the palm of your hand and try swimming him around a little to get the water/oxygen flowing through his body again..that useually helps speed up the process. if your other fish don't kill him then he should be fine after a good rest.  
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