First damage was a line drive to my shin, which put me out of an inning... that was about four weeks ago... then two weeks ago, I was playing and I tripped and slammed onto the same spot and it hurt like heck, then in the same game, I slid into third causing severe pain, and I dove across the grass in the outfield to catch a pop-fly to centre... almost immediately after that last episode, my knee and shin swelled up big time and started bruising.
I have kept it elevated and applied ice and am taking Naproxen, but the pain isn't going away. Also, there is a spot of skin right below my knee that I can't feel. I mean, it's not tingling or anything, I just can't feel it. The pain now goes right down the side of my shin to my ankle.
Should I continue with the elevation, ice and Naproxen 500mg or should I FINALLY go see a doctor?