
d**n SEC fans is this finally proof enough?

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Check out the link notice out of the 10 softest schedules in the BCS era 5 of the teams are from the SEC. This is what I refer to as over inflated records. Even LSU is in the top 10. Its ridiculous




  1. Not so fast. Look at the confrence schedule they have to play

    GA, TN, FL, AL, SC, Miss, too much right there alone

  2. What's all the recent **** with OCCs? SEC teams schedule buffer teams in the early weeks to make sure everything is intact for grueling conference play. Play that FEATURES the best around the nation.

    Name a team outside of the SEC that can make a case for best in that nation not named USC or OSU. Not every team in the SEC can play those two every year. Fact of the matter is that not many teams are willing to go up against the SEC. You've already seen examples of this posted on this thread. Teams know that a loss in the first few weeks puts them one s***w-up away from being able to compete in a BCS bowl. Hence, the teams resort to playing minor-league teams because that's what's left to them.

    PS. No one who supports the Bucks should have any room at this point to threaten an SEC team to come play them

  3. alot of the times SEC teams schedule cupcake teams in the first or second game of the season because the rest of the season is ridiculously hard (for SEC teams).....who the h**l are you a fan of...that way i can point out every single little thing that sucks about your team k? honestly people...stop hatin on the SEC .....every team has something wrong with it y'know?  btw, im sure that you are no NCAA football analyst or anything remotely close to being a college football expert....well guess what? ALL the EXPERTS think that the SEC is the toughest conference....and until you become one of those EXPERTS it doesnt really matter what you say does it? in fact, that just makes you a bitter football essence...a whiny ***** Thats how we SEC fans know our confrence is the best....we've got alot of haters....and everybody hates you when your on top!

  4. d**n right SEC teams schedule some lower class competition.  That's mostly because the "powerhouses" of the other conferences cower in fear when approached to play.  

    Tennessee approached Michigan 5 years ago about opening the season on a 4 year schedule beginning in 2008.  Michigan declined and scheduled 4 teams who would all come to Michigan and let them open all 4 years at home.  TN proposed 2 games at each venue, alternating years.  Michigan declined and UT struck a deal with UCLA.

    Alabama approached Clemson - we see how that works, don't we.

    Arkansas attempted to work out a 2 year game rotation with Texas.  Texas passed.

    LSU approached Southern California.  USC declined the offer.

    The facts are clear...every other team in the nation should be building up their schedules with the weak-@$$ conference games that they play.  The SEC is the TOUGHEST conference schedule top to bottom.  And second, when none of the "big dogs" want to come out and play ball, you schedule what you can get.  

    BTW - I notice that #5 was omitted from your list.  Likely Ohio State, who has the most cupcake schedule of ANY team in the nation.  

    Become more educated about the topics before you come out slinging ignorant BS.  It makes you look like a PAC-10 Alum.

  5. SEC is the best conference in the nation.  They beat up on each other and need some soft teams to take a break.  Other conferenes do just the opposite.  USC sucks.  They don't even have the ballz to play any big names away from home.  Take a look at all their big out of conference games are all at home.  That's just wack.

  6. first, fan above me...OSU was ranked 23rd hardest non-conference schedule in the last 10 years....there was only 1 SEC school ranked higher, South Carolina

    there were 5 SEC schools in the top 10 "cupcake" schedules in the last 10 years

    it is DEFINATELY not because nobody wants to schedule SEC schools...that is about the most RIDICULOUS statement I have ever heard...that sounds like something a 5 years old girl would say, "but mommy, they don't want to play with me, because I am better."

    it is DEFINATELY not because the SEC schedule is so tough...cry me a river, you guys claim you are the best conference, and yet your teams consistently schedule cupcake teams to "beat" up on.  Play some of the top schools in the nation, and prove that you are soooo good...go to their house, and see if you are that much better.  

    SEC fans, wake up and smell the coffee, your teams are overrated...TN losing to UCLA, South Carolina losing to Vanderbilt....the only way you prove to me that your conference is the best, is to play some top teams in the country at their house!!!!

    come to Columbus, Ohio and see how "fast" you are when you have 100,000 plus cheering against you in the cold!!

  7. SEC is the worst conference.

  8. SEC + MOONSHINE=Clueless nobodies that know nothing about football! That don't have the  ability to learn!

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