
Damon Jones to the bucks.?

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will this re rejuvenate his career? will he get a chance to play more with the bucks than he did with the cavs?

+ what do you think of the entire trade itself?




  1. i liked damon jones... he is a decent ball player and his personality and sense of humor are hilarious !!!  i'll miss him in a cavs uniform but i hope he plays well for the bucks.

  2. i think he will because he can just stand in the corner and shoot threes cuz all the defense will be on Michael Redd.

  3. Honeslty hes game has gone down plus that fro-hawk he had last year didn't help LOL!

  4. Everyone is a non-factor in this trade except Mo...

  5. I dont think he will even have an opportunity to play for them, the reason the bucks aquirede him was because his contract is expiring.

  6. The Bucks traded away one point guard for another point guard and Damon Jones.Jones can still shoot from three and can still be useful.I guess the Bucks wanted to let Ramon Sessions know that he will definitely be the starting point guard and Luke Ridnour is a good option if Sessions doesn't play well.The Bucks have alot of shooters now with Michael Redd,Ridnour,Jones,and Charlie Bell and I think they need another power forward or center off the bench.Their starting lineup looks like it could be great though.

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