
Dan Brown book opinion?

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What are your opinions of the Da Vinci Code book by Dan Brown?




  1. Thought the book was great and couldn't put it down, the same was for Angels and Demons too but have been unable to read the others!

    I just could not get into Digital Fortress or Deception Point.

  2. i thought it was really good :)

    didnt like the film though....

  3. I think I might be one of the few people in the world that's never read it.

    I might have skimmed through the first page, but it really didn't seem like my sort of book and I'm a firm believer in not wasiting time with books I won't enjoy.

  4. AWESOME BOOK. Da Vinci Code was great and I don't see what all the fuss was about. At the time I went to a Catholic high school and the teachers were so messed up and tried badly to explain how all of it was false, etc. etc. Of course it's only fiction, but I've studied biological anthropology (evolution), philosophy, and world religion since then, and I've concluded that I don't think any religion is real.

    I would read the Solomon Key but I've not heard yet when it will come out?

  5. LOVED IT - but I also tried reading digital fortress and got bored

  6. i really like it. i also read angels and demons, and deception point and also really liked them. but the back of the book of deception point said that there was a big twist so i was kinda expecting it to come. it would have been better if i had not read the back summary.

    dan brown used to go to the camp that i go to!!

  7. I believed of it what I wanted to and not what everyone else thought I should.

    It spoilt it somewhat to think that Dan Brown had plagiarised another's work. Though it was not proved in a court of law with the Case being thrown out.

  8. Was entertaining but is fiction. I have to laugh at anyone who can doubt their faith in religion because of a book. Never bothered to read his other books.

  9. I really enjoyed it, providing you don't accept averything in it as truth.

  10. I think it was ok, but horribly predictable.  Angels and Demons (his previous book) is much much better in my opinion.  The story is interesting in Da Vinci, but you can see large chunks of the end coming for a long time.

    What bothers me about Brown is not his writing, but his fraudulent portrayal of history, which would be fine if he acknowledged that he was authoring fiction, but he often traveled and spoke about how so many of the facts in his books were true...which they weren't.  Even the Priory of Sion, which is at the center of Da Vinci is was a fraud perpetuated in France in the 60's.  

    If it's fiction, just say it's fiction...don't lie to sell more copies.

  11. The book is brilliant, very hard to put down. But the movie is a absolute joke.

  12. i think its very good

  13. It was a dull re-hash of every grail legend I've ever heard & the 'hero' was the most pompous, arrogant creature I've ever had the misfortune to read about  

  14. I didn't like The Da Vinci Code at all, but I really enjoyed Angels and Demons. The story was a lot more interesting in my opinion.  

  15. I think it was entertaining, but quite formulaic. Some bits felt quite 'tacked together' but generally it was a pleasant read.

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