
Dan is an employee at a regional mid-size computer company that has recently been sold to a larger.?

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computer manufacturing corporation. Dan is in charge of computer production orders, and because of this recent shift in ownership, his department’s day-to-day operations are about to change drastically. Dan has been an employee of the mid-size company for 10 years, and thinks that the current way of doing things in his department does not need any improvement.

If you were Dan’s new supervisor, provide a method for how you would address the issue described above, and justify the effectiveness of your solution.

Why would Dan find your solution effective/helpful?

Why would your solution be effective/helpful from your perspective as a supervisor?




  1. How about the carrot and stick approach.  

    Carrot: Dan if you can change and do things this way you'll be so much more valuable and get good raises and probably a promotion.

    Stick: Dan, your current way of doing things isn't working, so do it out way or we'll fire your fat a** and find someone who can.

    This may not be so much what a teacher is looking for, but it is a more likely real-world way to handle dan.

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