
Dana White: I have got no animosity towards Jones – UFC News

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Dana White: I have got no animosity towards Jones – UFC News
UFC 151’s cancellation proved to be quite damaging to Jon Jones’ public, as most fans, analysts and UFC officials blamed the light heavyweight champion for the mishap. President of the UFC Dana White went onto say that he was ‘disgusted’ with Jones’ decision
of not fighting another opponent besides Dan Henderson, when the latter backed out.
However, now White is calmer and he is shifting his focus from Jones to Henderson. Probably, White knows it that blaming Jones will only damage the entire following of the sport and so he wants to keep things good.
“Dan Henderson knew two weeks before the fight. Two weeks before he told me he was injured,” said White in an interview with UFC Tonight on Tuesday. “If he had given me those two weeks - like he should have - this fight might have happened.”
White asserted that he has no regrets for the card’s cancellation, conflicting his previous statements. Dan Henderson injured his leg three weeks earlier but informed White just a week prior to the showdown. Since White had little time on hand, he tried
to replace Henderson with Chael Sonnen. However, Jon Jones was not comfortable with the entire idea of replacing opponents just eight days before the fight and so he declined the notion.
White, who found Jones’ decision disrespecting towards the organisation and the sport, called it a selfish decision and blamed Jones for the entire card’s cancellation. Now, the president is claiming that he has no hatred for Jones and whatever happened
was unexpected.
“I've got no animosity towards Jones. We'll find out how our relationship is as we move on. This thing is a little weird; it's never happened before,” added White, who believes Jones is one of the best fighters out there.
While White has put the entire event behind, Jones is no mood to forgive White for his words. In his interview earlier this week, Jones revealed that White’s reaction was unexpected and harsh. The light heavyweight champion revealed that he always considered
White as a fried instead of just a boss but no more.



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