
Dana White: Political issues behind UFC’s legalisation in New York – UFC News

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Dana White: Political issues behind UFC’s legalisation in New York – UFC News
It has been a couple of years since Dana White first spoke about legalising Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in New York. However, to date UFC struggles with getting a legal status. According to President Dana White, political issues and gangsters are
behind all of it.
Some months back, we saw Las Vegas Culinary Workers Union being the major hurdle to legalise UFC. The organisation has opposed the sport on a major level and has shown major concerns against legalising it. Previously, Dana White had shown cold shoulders
to the union’s efforts but now it seems like their efforts are bothering him. He is now blaming the union for the overall situation. In his recent interview with ESPN, Dana White said, “Why hasn't it happened? It's a lot of political c**p. The union out in
Las Vegas is the reason it hasn't happened as funny as that sounds. It has nothing to do with MMA or the UFC, it has to do with the union. My partners, the Fertitta brothers, own the fourth largest gaming company in the country and they're non-union and the
Las Vegas union has been doing some dirty stuff. They're dirty guys. Gangsters! The culinary union in Las Vegas. The guys who run the culinary union in Las Vegas are dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty guys.”
If Dana White is to be believed, then fans of UFC should forget about the sport’s legalisation since the union has already made it clear that they will not back off. There were some hopes of legalisation when Dana White said he is not intimidated by the
union’s actions previously. However, now that he has shown concerns over the recent developments, it is being feared that the UFC will not be able to get legal status in New York.
For now, Dana White seems pretty much worried about his beloved sport. If things carry on the same way, he will not be close to getting UFC legalised, which will definitely affect its overall profits and ratings. Fans of UFC in New York can only wait now
for the right time to come.



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