
Dana White excited over Chris Leben’s return – UFC News

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Dana White excited over Chris Leben’s return – UFC News
UFC President Dana White is excited over Chris Leben’s return to the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Even though Leben’s suspension period is still a couple of months away from ending, still Dana White is making plans for the middleweight mixed martial artist.
“I don't know (when Leben will be back). "(but) I love Leben, too. He's a warrior, he always brings it and I'm happy he's got his stuff together again. I want to see that kid do well,” said White.
Leben was first suspended following his loss to Michael Bisping in 2008. The event was held in the United Kingdom. Leben was tested positive for steroid usage after the fight and was suspended for nine months.
His second suspension came in 2011, November, when he was tested positive for using painkillers oxycodone and oxymorphone, which contain banned substance. The test was conducted following his loss to Mark Munoz in Birmingham, England, marking Leben’s career’s
second suspension.
“If he needs professional help, we are going to be there for him. We want to see him succeed not only in the octagon but in his personal life,” White added.
“When he walks away from this sport, I want to see him walk away with his gym, his business that he has, some money in the bank, a house paid off -- all those things.”
“He contributed a lot to this company.”
White added that he has a lot of respect for Leben, as the fighter has given a lot to UFC. On the possibility of Leben fighting this year, White said he is uncertain but he definitely will try his level best to bring the best out of Leben once again.
It should be noted here that Leben’s last two fights ended up in bitter losses. However, since White sees potential in him, he knows Leben will be back on the track with a little assistance.
For now, Dana White is focusing on his schedule for Leben. According to the President, Leben will once again have an exciting list of opponents to face. White believes Leben is a fighter who makes fans excited and therefore he should get what he deserves.



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