
Dana White for TRT: The Juice is good as long as you do not overdo it – UFC News

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Dana White for TRT: The Juice is good as long as you do not overdo it – UFC News
Testosterone Replacement Therapy has been the recent hot issue when it comes to combating sports. Boxing, UFC and wrestling, as sports, are being hurt by the usage of such drugs. While most analysts, former fighters, promoters, and associations are against
TRT or any sort of performance enhancing drugs, it seems like UFC president Dana White is quite ‘okay’ with it.
Last year, a couple of UFC fighters were banned from participating in events just because they were on such drugs. Back then, Dana White was quite furious and he made it a mark to let the world know his fury. However, now, the ‘Boss’ has changed his temperament
and he believes using TRT or performance enhancing drugs should be allowed.
In an interview to Fox Sports, White came up saying, “Here’s the thing about TRT. It’s absolutely 100% legal. As sports medicine continues to advance, this is one of those things where every guy’s testosterone level starts to drop as they get older and this
is basically sports science now where they can bring it back up to a normal level.
“And I think it’s great, it’s absolutely fair, it’s legal .The problem is, there are guys who say if this much is good, this much must be great, so you have guys who are always trying to do more than they’re supposed to do.”
“The big job is policing it, making sure that it’s not being abused, that guys are using it the way it’s supposed to be used.”
White added that the ‘juice is good’ and that now he knows why Alistair Overeem, who was banned last year for having illegal substance in his body, is ‘OK NOW’.
As always, White has issued yet another controversial set of words that will surely backfire. He is known for coming up with the most extraordinary ideas but probably this time he went too far. As some former fighters have said, the usage of TRT is illegal
because it enhances your body’s capabilities of taking pain, but it still is being hurt. With the usage of TRT, fighter may not feel the agony but their body will take it anyhow.



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