
Dance, Dance?

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I dont know how to dance buyt i kinda want to. i mean, not like ballroom, or ballet, but just dancing to regular music. could someone, like teach me some moves? and dont say to just feel the beat, i have NO dancing moves at all i tried watching music videos but they do it so fast and i need to start slow. im not talking about breakdancing or anything, just something so i dont embarass myself at dances. could you tell me some moves so i could look them up on google or something? Thanks.




  1. Try looking on YouTube. Or ask a dance school nearby where they can teach hiphop, hiphop is the ultimate fashion for boys now and they make you look so cool and creative on the dance floor in the disco and you'll be attractive to girls, because you're not other boys who think dancing is for girls. But if you can't, put on some music you like and make up your own dance moves, or ones that you've seen. You must enjoy dancing and feel the music and you'll be able to judge which moves to do. But most important of all, dance!

  2. what u do is listern to the song or music a couple of times imagaine ur self dancing to it and when ur ready start dancing to it and u will see it will come to ya

  3. haha ok i felt the same way but if u jsut snap ur fingers or jump up and down or copy what someone else is doing ur all set. lol i dont have any MOVES slow dancing is different though

  4. Go on and search for dance tutorials.

    Like.. popping tutorial..or moonwalking tutorial.

  5. when you are alone at home, play some music you feel like dancing on it, and just go as you feel. no one will see you, so you can do whatever you feel like! then, after you practiced this a little, do it in front of the mirror. look and study yourself and the moves, see what looks good, see what doesn't, make your own decisions. then, when you have to dance with others, you just have to trust yourself and too look confident, it makes any dance move less ridiculous!! and you keep in mind the image in the mirror, knowing that you are doing the same you'll be fine!:D

    a glass of wine could also be the best way to get you moving on the beat ;)
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