
Dance Chemistry in Salsa?

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I have been dancing cuban salsa for about two months and although i'm only a beginner i have picked quite a lot up fairly quickly. I have recently started going to social evenings which i really enjoy. The thing is there's this one guy I have danced with now quite a few times, he is quite an experienced dancer with a good lead and when I dance with him its amazing. Its like theres nothing else there at the time and i can follow really easily but i have also danced with equally good and even more experienced dancers but the same thing hasn't happened, I can't follow as well and I find myself concentrating a lot. The weird thing is that one of my friends really doesn't like dancing with this guy and says she never knows which way to go! I find that odd because it seems so intuitive to me, but then, she had a great dance with someone I had a rubbish dance with.I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience. Why is it that we click with some people on the dancefloor and not others




  1. Hi Lauren,

    This is completely normal.  I've done pas de deux -- which is the ballet equivalent to partner dancing -- and had the very same experience.  Sometimes, it was easy to be attracted to my partner and give the emotions required, and sometimes it wasn't.  I think a lot of the time it's just first impressions and your compatibility with certain people.  I've found that when I dance with guys in a pas de deux, some can be cold and it's obvious they're not used to dancing with a woman.  However, it's something as dancers that we need to adapt to.  It's difficult, but sometimes we have to fake emotion for performance.

    My best suggestion to you to tune up your sensuality and chemistry with someone who you don't really feel that connection with is to fake until it's real.  In other words, act like you're in love with your partner and try to throw yourself into it instead of thinking how awkward it is and how you're not clicking with him.  After a few dances, he should start following your lead and doing the same.  After a while, it will start to feel like second nature, and it will become easier to display emotions.  Trust me, nobody will laugh at you.  I most respect the dancer that I have to tell, "Okay, you can tone that down a little bit," rather than the dancer I have to keep urging to step it up.  Your partner will respect you as well, because the point of salsa is to give a s**y, sensual kind of feeling, and it's actually professional to get dirty with them.  If you don't act awkward with him while you're not dancing, then he'll understand that you're not just dancing with him like that because you truly are attracted to him.

    Hope this helped! Keep dancing♥

  2. it's because some people move differently to the music or have a different Appel or feel to the music then others do. Some people go with the moves and don't feel the music out , and some people feel the music and the steps come easy. Good luck and find the right dance partner!

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