
Dance Teacher Help!!!!!

by Guest45322  |  earlier

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O.K. so my dance teacher for 3-4 yrs. choreograph's my company team's dances and they don't challenge me enough their really pretty easy and all of the member's on my team think exactally the same way and we would like to tell her but it's really hard. Any advice????? Anything is greatly appreciated!!!! 10 points to the best answer!!!!




  1. Well just start suggesting harder moves when she is showing you her moves. If that doesn't work just feel comfortable that she knows what area you shine in and is in your best interst.

  2. Just go up and talk to her. Don't say "Sorry, your dances suck because they're way too easy." Say something like, I think these dances are a little bit too easy, could you possibly make it a little bit harder?

  3. As a dance teacher, here is another take on your situation.

    Sometimes teachers will give simpler choreography for a competition setting so that it looks clean and all the dancers can dance together.  Sometimes more difficult, challenging choreography doesn't look as clean as simpler choreography does, and you're likely to lose points at competition.  Is your regular classwork more challenging?  If so, that might be the case.

    If you still feel like you're not being challenged enough, try talking to the teacher about it - be mature about it.  "We don't feel like we're being challenged enough" is a good way to start.  Teachers like to see their students grow and excel, and maybe she just needs to know that that is what you need right now.  If you don't have success there, try talking to the head of the studio about it.  Otherwise, it might be time to look for a new studio that does challenge you more.  I switched studios my senior year of high school to be more challenged after dancing at my old studio for 8 years.  Was it hard to leave?  You bet.  Did I learn a lot more and become a much better dancer though?  Yes I did.  I would have done it sooner if I had known what I was missing out on.  

    Good luck to you.

  4. Dance teachers often don't realize whether a dance is easy or hard for their students to learn. You should really talk to your teacher about any issues you are having with her. It's always to approach a subject before or after dance class starts, and you should always be casual about things. A few ways that you can start off are...

    "(Insert teachers name here) I want to talk to you about some of the dances that we have been doing. I'm finding them to be fairly easy for me, and I was wondering if you could possible challenge me a bit more"


    "(Insert teachers name here), I would like to ask you something. Do you think it's possible that you could make your dances a bit harder? I would really like to be challenged, and I think the rest of my class agrees with me... I really like your dances, but I would like to be challenged more."

    It's always good to have the class agree with your too. Some how show your teacher that EVERYONE would like to be challenged. Make sure to keep things light though, and not insult her! Remember that your teacher is there to help you learn and grow in dance, you shouldn't be afraid to talk to her. Remember though that since you asked to make things harder you should also be willing to try harder. She might get frustrated if everyone in the class is not being able to do well in the dance when you asked her to make it harder. Good luck!

  5. Just tell her that the team has talked about it, and you just don't feel challenged by her choreography. You never know, maybe she didn't realize and has more advanced moves up her sleeves. Or maybe she keeps it simple because that way it will look cleaner. You will earn more points at competition with a clean, simpler dance, than with a difficult dance where the team isn't together.

    Just get it into the open and see what happens. If her choreography continues to disappoint then maybe it's time for a new choreographer.

  6. hello ryan, don't be rude to your dance teacher when telling her this but i think while you are learning a dance ask her very casually "We should do some dances that are really harder for us!" Don't make it a big deal and don't try to hurt her feelings! The other members of your team will agree and hopefully she will take it to mind! And the point of dance is to learn more! make it challenging. that is what is so fun about it! So ask her very nicely as a suggestion! Do not tell HER what to do. Just use it as a comment and she might take it to mind!

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