
Dance at school?

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On friday we're doing a dance-a-thon and we're dancing for 5 hours straight. how am i supposed to dance? i know its kinda stupid but how do i dance non stop and how do i dance?




  1. just move around and jump and do just crazy no like school dances...they last for like 3-5hrs depending on the school....and so just dance like ur at a dance : )

  2. Girl go with the flow. When you dance with a group of people get in the middle and dance how they are, and it wont even be noticed in a bad way. Everyone will be lookin at you being like "dang this girl can dance" floss off the moves ya momma gave ya! :] be yourself, let yourself out and break free and dance! Have fun and don't stop dancing, like I said be like you and your friends, dance the night away and have fun!!. Pull off some cool moves, not like the robot or anything hehe but like move your butt and put your arms in the air and swing your hair around, be a girl! :] Have fun at your dance-a-thon! Hope I helped!!

  3. do like some stupid moves

    so it looks like ur taking it as a joke and just having fun

    cause then people wont laugh at u

  4. Do the simple moves.

    The basic [for when you get really tired]- take left foot place it behind your right foot. then back. Then take right foot and place it behind your left foot and back. Just do this to the beat of the song till you have gained enough energy to really start dancing again.
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