
Dance fever? (actual dancers please)?

by  |  earlier

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can any of you guys just not keep still. ill be at a restaurant just tapping. to anything. or when i go shopping im tapping. when i wait in a line im bouncing up and down. nobody can tell but it bugs me! even in dance classes they tell us to stop moving. BUT WE CANT! we flail our arms about and spin in circles. we can be across the room in a second! are you like that? why do we do it?




  1. Glad I'm not the only one :D

    I do the same thing! Those grocery aisles are so long, why waste them? You can do like a million sutenus and those smooth floors are great for practicing triple pirrouettes.

  2. My parents get scared (because im a klutz) that im gunna fall! I do leaps and turns in grocery stores, i almost fell down the stairs doing a grande jete! i get in trouble all the time in school because i wont stop tapping my feet. when im just sitting down watching t.v. i will have a song stuck in my head and (no joke) just start randomly dancing. i am tapping my feet while im sitting in my computer chair as we speak! help! its almost like a disease! my dance teacher told me one that all (or most) dancers are klutzs accept when they dance. a very bad affect of this disease is that i will zone out in school and start marking one of my dances. i miss out on important things. ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH it is very annoying. sometimes i dont even realize im doing it

  3. sometimes i do leaps across grocery store aisles. hehe

  4. I do that quite frequently. When no one is watching, I always take the opportunity to practice some styling or body isolation. I also always find the 123-567 timing in songs....out of nowhere!

    It will decrease a little, but I feel that dancers will always have that 24/7 itch to dance. :)

  5. I'm definatley the's worse when music starts playing and i just can't stop myself from dancing....We just have a constant rhythm and NEED TO MOVE!!!!

  6. sometimes i just do leaps across my hallways or tap my feet

    ot just pretty much anything from dance

    when im standing somewhere for a long time

    sometimes my feet go into 5th position

    its really wierd but it feels so natural for me

  7. I'm the same way. I really don't know why we're like that. My friends always make fun of me or get pissed whenever I do that.

  8. i sometimes slide/glide in the hallways at school (when summer didnt start yet) and sometimes in classes

    - bboy

  9. lol I used to be like that. Now i'm better. i only dance a little in public if there's a really good song on in the store or something. And in dance class, we're allowed to stretch in between exercises, so maybe i'm not over it, because i stretch in between. But sometimes when i'm not tight I can keep still and I don't stretch. But I know what you mean, its like your body just needs to move! :-D

  10. OMG me too!check out my question;...

    its like constantly dancing around and moving and jumping and h**l naw i aint autistic lol

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