
Dance recital help?

by Guest62703  |  earlier

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i am in 10th grade(juniors next year) and its an all girls school where dance isn't exactly counted as a sport

i am on the dance team and i go to a studio and im on the competion team there but i want to prefrom in front of my school more and other high schools have recitals at the end of the year so i was thinking to have our recital with solos, duets, etc. i know what to do at recitals but i need help planning one for next year. please help. thanks




  1. So Is this is a recital for school? Or Dance?

  2. well if you can find a place to hold ur recital {if ur school has a stage and seating -- or just use your gym} that's a good start.

    then for the dances, having a mix of solos, small group dances, and large group dances is good. if your fellow dancers can choreograph their own solos, and have your captain {idk if you have one, if not just pick a good choreographer from your dance team}. try to use an array of song genres and dance styles -- some dances could be jazz-ish, some maybe hip hip, or modern, and maybe a lyrical solo or 2 {or 3... idk lol}. make sure you choreograph, practice, and prepare all the dances wayy before the recital so everyone knows the dances well and you'll look SO fabulous in front of your school.

    then for the SHOW aspect, you'll need someone to come on stage and announce, introduce, etc the dancers and dances. they should have maybe notecards with their lines written on them to read off of. and if they wear a pretty dress or outfit it looks quite professional.

    oh and costumes: if your gonna mix it up with solos and group dances, a good idea is to have everyone in a basic outfit -- like a black top/leo and black shorts/jazz pants. {and have everyone in the same makeup [eyeliner, a bit of shadow and blush, etc, but dont overdo it!], hair [a ponytail works great], and jewelry [sparkly stud earrings are cute] so everyone looks like a team.} then for each individual dance, have different accessories to wear. so for one dance they'd wear a tank top over the black outfit, another could wear a {dance-type} dress, the next would wear a hat.... stuff like that makes it interesting, but also easy to change quickly from one dance to another, and its SO much less expensive than ordering costumes for each dance!

    then before your recital, you'd definitly want to promote the show. announce it, make flyers, posters, etc, so people will come and see you shine! also, tickets are a good idea, unless you're just going to make it a free show. but inexpenive tickets would be a good idea so then your dance team could get more money without having to do carwash fundraisers!!! :]

    and most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if your team is the type that argues and has disputes, then a team-organized recital might just break you guys apart. but if everyone works well, is helpful, etc, then it should be a fun experience for you all!

    hope this helped, and good luck with your recital!!!!!!!!
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