
Dance recital tommorow ! help?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so i have a dance recital tommorow, and im sopposed to have a leatard but i dont, i have some under shirts and i have a tan one around my house, but the problem is my dance shirt is very short so were sopposed to have something under neeth it because i put my arms up, i cant use an undershirt because it'll go up to i cant go to the store! ahh i have no clue what to do .

ask questions if you dont understand




  1. Ohhh I've been there before!

    Not fun indeed!

    Kay, so, what I read was that when you put your arms up,

    the under shirt shows from your stomach.

    So if thats the case, then maybe try tucking it in,

    ot if you don't want it shown, then roll it up, or cut it.

    If you still have a problem, then maybe just try wearing a

    beige bra, thats what I always wear at my recitals and


    Or, if you don't want to do that, you can ask around

    because at my dance school, there's always atleast one

    person who brings extra :P But just incase there isn't,

    bring the body suit, or bra :D

    And another option is to ask someone who isn't in your

    dance number and is the same size as you.

    GOOD LUCK! It will all work out :) I promise!

  2. Try wearin high top control panty hoes... just putt them up really far... see if that works

  3. you could always borrow someone's or you can wear an undershirt but tuck it into your bottoms and safty pin it too.

  4. Do you know anyone on your dance team that might have an extra one?

    I am not sure exactly what you need but double check thru your drawers and make sure you dont have anything. Maybe a neighbor or an friend has what you need. Best of luck! Bet your a beautiful dancer!

  5. I'm not sure what you mean by going up.  if i understand correctly i would take an undershirt and cut the sleeves off.  see if that solves the problem

  6. Ask your dance instructor/teacher. I'm sure they'll have extra ones of different sizes with them. This happened to me once, well a similar kind of thing. Except my leotard seams tore down the side from it getting caught on the side of a hook. Very embarrassing. Don't panic and good luck dear.

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