
Dance/splits please help?

by Guest44749  |  earlier

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I'm going to be on the dance team. It starts in September and you need to know how to do a split. I have been dancing for quite a while, but can't do the splits. I have gone on the Internet but I only found 3 stretches that I understand.... Please help me! I really want to be able to do the splits by the time it starts! Please answer asap!!! Thank you!!!!!




  1. The split is a stretch! If you keep you hips square, you will feel a stretch. Just make sure you do a couple before you do the splits because it's so extreme. Of course when you get all the way down, you have to open up your hip a little bit! make sure you do it every day!

  2. make sure you are properly warmed up first.

    Then go down as far as you can and try pushing a little further. Hold it for at least a minute! I know it hurts and it gets tiring, but if you do this a few times a day on each leg, it will eventually get down. Practice makes perfect!

    Hope this helps. Good luck! :)

  3. legs(splits)- to do the splits i will take awile, do these streaches every day and you should be able to the spits in 2-7weeks.

    1- preperation: put a warm water bag on your split area for 3min.(make sure you are whereing lose shorts or sweat pants)

    2- preperation streaches: spread your legs apart as far as they can go comfortably. keep your legs strait and reach for each foot from side to side, then hold it on one side for 1 or 2 min then switch sides. then bring your legs together and reach for your toes without bending your legs. hold for 2 or 3 min.

    3- holding streaches: go down in any splits as far as you can go, put a pillow under you and rest your split area on the pillow and hold for a while (30 mins), watch t.v , listen to music, or read to pass the time.

    4- with friends streaches: me and my friends do this all the time. right and left leg split: have a pillow or icecube to bite on while you do this streach. lay down on your back have one person hold down your leg and have another person lift your other leg to 90 degrees, then 95(hold for 5min) 100(hold) and go on untill you reach 180degrees. straddel splits: sperad your legs as far apart as possible, have a friend put ther feet on your ankels and push back your legs as far back as they can.(make sure you are up aganst a wall)

  4. Okay, I was once at the same point as you and I finally got my splits because i really wanted to. Of course practice is the number one thing that will get your splits where you want them, but stretching will speed up the process. Before starting a split make sure your body is warmed up enough to do the split because your muscles need to be warm so that they can stretch farther and you won't hurt yourself or feel sore. That might include having to stretch outside if your house is very air conditioned. Begin with just isolating your body and stretching each part separately so you're warm. Then you can do some toe touching, batmas (high kicks), and lunges to stretch the muscles in your legs. Once you're ready and warm enough to begin your splits go down into your split and push yourself to the ground. Stay in your split for at least 30 seconds and try balancing with your hands above your head. Then alternate and keep repeating until you feel you are good for the day. Do some cool down exercises and wait 20 min before showering so your muscles don't freeze up.

  5. I had a guest teacher once and if we could not go all the way down we had to hold our selves up with our legs completely straight for 30 seconds and then slide down a little more and hold for 30 seconds.

    Also, Do your split as far down as you can go and then lean back and bend our back leg toward are head. At home get down on your knees in front of your couch and put one leg on the couch and stretch out as far as you can,

    This one is a little scary but it works get 2 chairs and 2 ppl to help make sure the chairs are the same height put your front leg on one chair and lean your body foward where your hands are on the chair(have one hold that chair) Then behind you have the other chair and put your back leg up there have the other hold that chair and slowly slide it out further and further until you are stretch out until it hurts. If you aren't comfortable with that its okay but it works!! Also lay down on teh floor and stretch your leg up to your face as much as you can and then roll over in to your split.

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