
Danced competitively for 7 years but still cant do my splits all the way:/?

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Okay so I have been a dancer 4 as long as I can remember;]and i love it but i need to get my splits all the way to get even better!i can go until i get about 4 inches off the close;but not close enough!I want to continue to dance and get better at everything so if any one has any tips for stretching or anything please tell me!!!i have watched 1000's of videos on youtube but onlt a little buit of luck.I would greatly appreciate your help with my splits! (if you can)Thanks Again for your time and help:]]]write an answer please!




  1. some people just cant do certain things. different people have different body/muscle types. the same way some people will never have the capacity to grasp quantum physics, some people just arent cut out to be athletes. if you feel youve tried everything, then dancing may not be for you.

  2. dont worry, you're probably just naturally unflexible (like me!)

    anyways, you MUST stretch for at least 30 minutes each day.

    stretch whenever you're watching TV, reading, etc.

    some good stretches are:

    1. put your butt up against a wall while lying down and spread legs open to a straddle.

    2. put one leg in front of you while sitting and put the other leg kind of behind you but still to the side (hard to explain this, but you should look like an L) then reach towards your front leg and stretch.

    3. do the runners stretch (make sure to keep your front leg straight)

    4. reach both legs out in front of you while sitting and touch your toes while alternating pointing and flexing them.

    5. sit in all 3 of your splits at least a few minutes each day.

    if u do all of this every day, you'll get your splits in no time =)

    hope this helps!

  3. That is just like me, i have been dancing ballet for 7 years and still cannot fullly do the splits-any of them! During this summer, i have had a camp that was a lot of work, so i have had to stretch a lot and that is about all you can do. But i can totally relate to this, some people just arent meant to be flexible, and their bodies may never be able to do some things. Some stretches you can do, are to bend either your front leg or back leg to stretch out your hips.Another thing to do would be to have someone else to come push you leg up in all tyhree directions, keeping your hips in place and then have you try to hold it.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Try letting gravity pull you to the ground.

    Practice stretching the legs up on the barre; pulling your leg into an extension.

    Make sure you straighten your back leg.

  5. Are you serious? Thats crazy. I learned how to do my splits over night! I had a try-out the next day.

    All I remember doing is stretching like crazy! When I was attempting to do the split I was so close to havin it down, just a couple of inches off the ground and I suddenly turned my hip in (downwards) and I was all the way to the floor! I was surprised.

    It was weird but it worked good for me.

  6. well the thing you will hear from everyone is just keep on practicing ALL your splitz. Even your bad leg! Work on your jumps as well, russians, jetays, these will help as well. Honestly there isn't much else you can do then just keep working and practicing. Oh and while your in the splitz try totally lifting your hands off the ground, and see if you can hold it like that!!!!

  7. hey, yeah i had sorta the same problem, if u cant get your middle splits down, it helps alot going into ur splits with ur body forward, and have a youngster sit on ur back for a bit, forces u to become a little more flexible!

    also, massage therapy, the relax your muscles so there not as tense, maybe thats why you cant go down all the way, coz they tense up a bit, but yeah those are jus some tips, besides the obvious that other people would say "stretch alot yaddy ya.."

    but good luck!!!

    im sure you will be able to do it in no time!

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