
Dancers Diet?

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I'm not overweight or underweight, i'm advrage. I'm just a dancer and I have a show tommarow. I was just wondering what a good diet is the dayof and before the show.Please don't geuss. Only if you know=)




  1. well im nto a dancer, but i am a figure skater and for us anyways you want to limit red meat, stick to chicken or fish, mostly carbs (not simple sugars like candy, but thinks like wheat bagels/bread MAYBE muffins, pasta) because thats what proviodes you with your best energy source, also limit dairy because it will weigh you down more before a show

    i forgot to menttion, drink lots of water, and while practicing and before show make sure you get electrolytes also

    hydration is key

  2. Maybe fish or chicken with lots of carbs ------ Definatly don't do anything spicy.

  3. OOOOOH yay..

    Here's my diet whenever i do a show......

    Breakfast--yogurt (it easy to keep down)

    Lunch- anything but pizza, fast food, or sandwiches....pasta is good.

    Dinner--whatever ya want...the show's over!

  4. eat carbs so you are energized like pasta is good. dont eat like pizza or hamburgers stuff like that. right before the show dont eat sugar because after the sugar kicks in then dies out you will be extremly tired. have fun!

  5. You should eat healthy, and eat lots of foods that will give you energy such as protein[meat, nuts, fish] & carbs[pasta,bread,cereal...] I also like to have propel with me when I dance because of course it is very important to stay hydrated but propel has a little sugar to keep you energized too.

  6. Okay well I would not drink any sodas just natural flavored juice or the best thing-WATER! It's already 12:30 but I will tell you what to eat:

    BREAKFAST-Oatmeal with bannana and raisans, nonfat or low-fat milk! (2 grains, 1 fruit, 1 dairy)

    LUNCH-turkey roll-up (whole wheat tortilla, turkey, cheese, tomatoo, sprouts, cucumber, mustard), V-8 SOUP*, kiwi

    (2 proteins, 1 grain, 1 dairy, 1 fruit, free veggies, fee condiment)

    DINNER-Simple Stir-fry (broccili, water chestnuts, snow peas, mushrooms, red pepper) with plum hoisin suace, brown rice, milk, peach

    (2 proteins, 2 graons, 1 dairy, 1 fruit, free veggies, 1 condiment)

    SNACKS-chocolate cream, dried apricot, soy chips!

    It'll make you feel better about what you ate! :)))

    Hope I HELPED! :D
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