
Dancers and Cheerleaders?

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Sport psychologist have been studying the relationship between sports and 3 traits, hypnotic ability/absorption ( the degree to which someone can block out what is going on around them, can focus well, daydream a lot, or forget that they are in a movie theatre while watching a movie), neuroticism (your level of anxiety), and repressive coping (not thinking of bad things, keeping bad memories out of your head, etc...). I would like to know How you would rate your self in these three categories and how important you think each of these three categories are to dance and cheering?




  1. Im a dancer and i used to b a cheerleadr. i can easily block out anything around me and strt daydreamin out of nowhere. Im not very good at keepin bad memories out of my mind.(depending on what the meory is about). Dancers need hypnotic ability so they can block out the audience and fell "in the zone" and not let any1 around affect them. It really helps. I usd to b very bad @ that and i messd up so bad bcauz i thought i was messin up and i used to respond to everything around me. U could read my emotions all over my face which really is not pleazing

  2. I'm a dancer, actor and singer, but i major in dance.  I am good at blocking things out around me,  I can focus well when I really want to but when it comes to doing something I'm not that passionate about, I lose focus easily.  I day dream A LOT.  I do not forget I'm in a movie theater while watching a movie.  I am very worrisome, so I guess that means I have a little higher anxiety level than normal.  I'm good at discarding bad memories, since I never seem to think of any (unless they are extremely sever).

    I believe that in order to perform, most, if not all of one's focus needs to be on the performance.  One can achieve the most authentic performance if he/she is completely focused.

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