
Dancers how do I improve my leaps?

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I'm very flexible but can't seem to get off the ground long enough to execute a jete/leap? Any suggestions? Perhaps strengthening exercises?




  1. It helps to get a decent run-off, then mid-leap throw your head back, and arch your back at the same time as if someone were poking you halfway down your spine. I'm assuming you mean a split-leap, with one leg extended in front and the other behind you?Just try to aim your knees upwards towards the ceiling and point your toes as you do it.

    Sometimes it can help to strengthn/improve flexibility with those aerobics/yoga ribbon things, like strips of strong rubber?A good excecise is to tie one strip in a circle and put it round both your ankles, then with one foot flat on the floor and facing a wall,and your hands pressed on the wall for balance, raise the other leg backwards as if you're trying to touch the ceiling with your heel?Hold it and sort of bounce it higher and higher, then repeat with the other leg, and over time this should help :)

  2. Core and leg exercises should help.  Make sure to excercise all of your ab muscles (obliques, transverse, upper, lower).  A variety of moves can be found online, and make sure to change it up frequently so your muscles don't get used to the movement.

    For legs, focus on calves, quads, hamstrings and glutes.  Calve raises are easy to do anywhere, and try ballerina squats and ski squats.  And simply jumping (i.e. jumping rope, etc) will help excercise the percise muscles you'll need to make your leaps big!

    Good luck!

  3. There is a reason why professional ballerinas are still doing hours of barre work. All the exercises you do at the barre are the base, the core, of what your body needs to execute dance moves, like leaps and turns, properly.

  4. heres an exercise i learned. stand legs together. kick to the side with one leg agian and again. repeat on other leg. also sit in a stradle position and pull one leg in. lean slightly to the leg thats out and lift it a couple inches off the ground. do this a good 30-40 times and switch legs.

  5. Well im guessing you have all of your spilts and if you don't improve thoughs. Well seens you probaly do then run with your legs bent and when you think you are ready to jumpjump as high as you possible can go and start putting your legs into postion right when you get off the floor don't miss a beat!! Im sure you get them in no time

  6. practice them everynite after stretching, make sure you have full splits, o and trampolines help too.

  7. stretch everynight

    then practice on a trampoline

  8. practice on a trampoline. then get on the ground and run and jump up and that will help. i had this problem durin cheerleading with my toe touch.

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