
Dancing With The Stars question?

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How many of you think the prospects of many good dancers will be ruined by the Disney Channel kid in the cast?

The show is meant to bring people from all walks of life together, if they like dancing, so in that regard, it's great that he's in the cast.

For the record, I'm not at all against Cody Linley being in the cast. I think he'll bring in yet another part of society in DWTS' broad following.

Do any of you think that the female tween/teen crowd that most probably couldn't care less about dancing before this, will play a big part in the celebrity standings?

I have an idea this'll make the standings/votings even more disproportionate than before.

We all know that tween/teen girls (I was also one of them at one point) tend to go for looks / fame alone, and unconditionally support the objects of their adolescent infatuations.

Psst - remember Sanjaya? :P




  1. When I saw the cast list, It also thought Cody was an odd choice. They have had Disney Channel people before- Monique Coleman from HSM, and Sabrina Bryan from Cheetah Girls.

    Miley Cyrus is such a popular show that ABC will try to capitalize on it any way they can. Remember that Disney is owned by ABC so they will only benefit from having their stars on the show.  

  2. prob all the teen girls will vote for a teen but i vote for the best dancer/most dedicated...not the best looking...tho that is a plus =)

    help me?;...

  3. First of all, puhleeze...don't remind me of Sanjaya.  lol

    That's the problem with this show.  People vote for who they like and not who's the best dancer.  Personally, I'd vote for Cody ONLY because he's paired with Julianne Hough and I think she's fantastic.  She won twice so far.  They don't get much better than her.

    And Cloris (oh, poor Cloris) isn't she about 80?  Is she going to do the quickstep and tango?  It'll be very interesting.

    As for Cody, I think teens will vote for him because he's popular - not because he's a good dancer.  

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