
Dancing in Torino?

by Guest64056  |  earlier

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I currently live in the U.S. and go dancing multiple times a week, specifically swing dancing. I'm having so much fun with it!

I'll be living in Torino for a few months this summer, and I want to keep dancing while I'm there. Are there any places in Torino that host nights for social dancing such as swing? (I think they call it "boogie woogie" or "rock-n-roll" but I'm not sure...)

I'll be devastated if I can't keep dancing while I'm there. Where I live, there are a few different nights a week where you can go swing dancing for a small cover charge and no partner needed.

I've tried to do a google search for this issue, but all of my results are in Italian!

I am also open to learning about places in Torino that might have salsa nights or other types of dancing, but I'm really hoping to find some swing nights!

I would greatly appreciate any information you might have about this!




  1. Torino, no dance only sing

  2. You'll certainly find plenty of salsa dancing places but I am not sure about swing. I've never heard of any place that does it. You can look for places that do "liscio", that's like ballroom dancing, it includes waltz, mazurka, tango and other dances. Sometimes they do it in restaurants. But I have to say that's mostly older people that dance "liscio". If you find something on google, maybe you can post the link on Answers where there are plenty of Italian speakers who can help you translating.
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