
Dancing & my boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, been dancing all my life and my boyfriend knows that.

But for my hip-hop class we're rehearsing a routine for a show coming up and my boyfriend came in, and was watching.

And my partner is this cute guy, but he's my friend and I've known him for a while.

The problem is in part of the routine it gets really hot, and when we left, my boyfriend was like "I don't like how you're dancing with that guy".

And now he's all upset.

How do I convince him, that it's just dancing?




  1. tell him its a dancing class, and thats all it'll ever be

    if he's still not convinced tell him to go ask your friend but not to mention he's ur bf... if u think about it, it actually does make sense

  2. I agree with wat Mutchkin mentioned earlier!

    When its "jus dancing" to you, it might be more than that for the others including ur bf! What i mean is that ur friend, ur partner himself MIGHT get in a point to maybe ask for more from you!

    if u ask me have i ever dated a partner? tha answer is yes!

    have a partner ever been in love wid me while "just dancing" against my will? yes!

    ur bf has a point in soe point! and it became a competition to him! he might feel like he have 2 do more efforts now to get ur attention and ur love!

    Just talk 2 him and explain him wat u feel, and make ur bf meet ur partner to make things clear!

  3. No guy wants to see his girl dancing with another guy.

    Instinctively, it is competition and jealousy.

    Have you asked him, with out judgment, why he feels that way?

    Maybe he feels insecure. Maybe he sees you having a fun time and mistaking it as "means more than dancing". Maybe don't trust the guy and feels this is a "move" for you.  

    I heard some outright stuff from guys before on their reasons.

    It could be any of those reasons or could be none of those reasons I stated.

    The point is, you need to talk to him and only your faithfulness, honesty and keeping dancing seperate from personal life could only ensure him it is "just dancing".

    Because all in all, you dancing with another guy is not "just dancing" in his eyes.

    As I know you would not be happy seeing your boyfriend dancing with a girl like that and settle for "it is just dancing".  

    So, have to put it in his perspective, that this "dance routine" could of been toned down abit, instead of being "really hot".  That might be the issue at hand.

  4. just tell him the truth just say your just friends and you didn't choose the choreography for that part and it's not your fault that the choreographer decided to make that part hot

    hope that helps :)

  5. tell him that you didn't make up the steps. there is nothing that you can do about it, you are just trying to do the steps.

    Maybe you can find out if the guy has a girlfriend. if he does, tell your boyfriend that.

    good luck and hope this helps!!

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