
Dang, why isn't the LPGA telecast when Paula Creamer shoots a 60?!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. you are right l p g a golf is very good . monly 2 days coverage womens open . i dont care about judge judy . i would rather watch the ladies nail a 7 wood from 180 . to three feet . they do hit nore club into the green than average male amature . people can identify with womens fairway club choice , it has earned and deserves . 4 round coverage . personally i think this is sexists b/s . thank you

  2. Because we'd have been the only 15 people watching the telecast

  3. i don't know , but some of these new golfer chicks are pretty hot. I would watch it.

  4. I think they should have a channel dedicated to her. PaulaTv.! that would be nice.

  5. There has to be a sponsor. So who messed up?

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