
Danger Virus attack!?

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Had a danger virus attack everyone help me.

I using Avast antivirus,one day i start and it say Avast registry had been modifyed unknownly,continue program anyway?i continue and scan,i scanned 2000+virus almost all same type,i could not lock them,only delete,however delete wont work them.

the error message:Program cannot use Chest client: (null)

--->Description: Virus chest server is not running. RPC communication failed.

it delete my internet explorer automatically and i could not reinstall back.I download kaspersky,Avira but when i run after setup it gave me error msg!

What should i do!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. this is the worst case virus attack that I have  heard ---I use Avast Home Edition myself and my computer is fine---please reinstall Windows ----see for instructions.This time check that the Firewall is ON.

  2. For your question

    NOD suggest you use your computer to conduct a comprehensive killing viruses and Trojan horses

    And repair your registry files

    I suggest you visit

    Good luck

  3. Your PC is a goner.

    I would suggest that you reformat your hard disk to get rid of the virus.

    Then reinstall Windows OS.

  4. Try using AVG or other any antivirus. I am sure AVG trial version will work perfectly for 30 Days. Try also spybat, since it is also useful to check spywares. Make sure, you scan with only one antivirus at a time. Remove avast before installing AVG. Secondly, I just say, when avast cannot remove your virus, the other will. When the other cannot remove try another. This is the only way. I experienced, before.. What avast cant AVG can and what AVG can avast cant. if Both cant try another. Best wishes God luck Samuel

  5. There is an antiviruses free just for today

    there is a code and you can activate it

    It worth trying it

    You have to activate it right away because it won t let to activate it after the end of the day

    good luck

  6. You can run antivirus and antispyware programs, but the sad fact is if you have found one virus on your computer, you probably have several. Cleaning the computer now requires you to follow these steps, because modern viruses and spyware entrench themselves in files that your computer needs in order to run:

    1. Virus-check your data files (not application files-- you have installer CDs for those).

    2. Back up the data files, getting them off your hard drive.

    3. Get your original operating system CDs that came with your computer.

    4. Boot your computer from the operating system CD.

    5. Select the option that erases your hard drive and then reinstall your system software.

    6. Turn on your software firewall that came with your operating system.

    7. Reconnect to the internet, and download *all* Windows updates, no matter how long it takes.

    8. Reinstall your application software, and update the applications as much as you can.

    9. Reinstall your data files.

    10. Create a limited user account on your system that does *not* have administrator access, and web surf only from this account.

    Yes, this is a pain in the butt. No, there is no other way. No, antivirus and antispyware programs cannot fix this problem on its own.

    So, what do you do in the future?

    1. Never click on links you find in an e-mail.

    2. Never open an e-mail attachment, ever.

    3. Only download files from a reputable website that you know is on the up-and-up.

    4. Never use bit-torrent and other file-sharing programs.

    5. Never use an unsolicited drive-checking site.

    6. Turn off all java and java scripting by default, and only enable java and java scripting for sites that you know you can trust.

    7. Never read an unsolicited e-mail, and delete spam immediately. It is possible to be hacked by reading an e-mail alone.

    Please adhere to the 'dont's' I provided above, because you will have to repeat the cleaning steps that I listed first *every time you get infected.* Anti-spyware and anti-virus programs are good to have, but they are a second line of defense. The best way to protect your system is you, and changing your behavior.

    Good luck!

  7. reformat your computer fo safely method.

  8. This seems that it is a keylogger or something.

    You can't remove this with Spybot, or Anti-viruses.

    What you need is a Trojan Remover.

    This is a server.file which basically gives a hacker a connection to your computer.

    Download that, to remove this trojan.

    If this does not work.

    This can be a Prorat-Trojan horse. We can delete this easily.

    Press actions, and press perform a scan

    after that, press actions and press the second option after Perform a scan.

    This will clean as much as possible.

    Here is a keylogger remover. Named "Spyware Doctor"

    This will also scan if you have a keylogger:

    Some info on this:

    Keyloggers record every keystroke you make on your PC, possibly with the intent of capturing usernames and passwords, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, etc. Some keyloggers also take screen shots of your computer activity, monitor emails and online chatting, and?when installed by someone authorized to do so?are often used to monitor child or employee computer activity. Even in cases such as these, keyloggers usually work secretly.

  9. You may be having a virus or spyware installed on your PC. Norton, AVG , Avast are free antivirus software. Ad-aware, Ewido are free spyware removers. You can download free softwares at and . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from


  11. A very good, free anti-virus available to download is AVG 8 Anti-virus:

    And for any spyware problems, get SpyBot - Search and Destroy:

    Both are free, as powerful as paid programs, like Norton and McAfee, and don't use up as many resources.

    Just boot into Safe Mode (Press F8 when turning on the computer) and run full scans.

    Hope that helps.
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