
Danger of polystyrene beads?

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I had a pillow filled with these beads and it slit open. Now there are little beads in my closet, on my shoes, extra blankets etc. Are they dangerous if swallowed? Thanks




  1. Any plastic products when swallowed are dangerous, unless they are pill coatings.

  2. Those are a pain to clean up.  I came home once to find that my dogs had been playing tug-of-war with a bean bag chair and the whole house was filled with them.

    They're not toxic - but it wouldn't be a good idea to eat a belly full  :P.  Sweep/scoop up what you can, then vacuum.  If it's very dry in your house, the static charge makes them stick to everything.  To catch those stray ones, put a couple wraps of masking tape around your hand, sticky side out, and wipe/pat them up.

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