We found these berries that start out as a peach color, then turn red, and eventually riped to purple and about the size of a blueberry, if not, smaller.
They've grown around our house before (about 3 years ago) and I picked some, recalling eating them before (it's the same bush). They're sweet and taste ALMOST like blueberries, except maybe a little pasty and less bitter, like a peach on the inside.
I am curious as to whether or not they are toxic or not?
Round 1-2 inch long leaves that aren't apparently glossy.
Dark purple-ish berries.
Biggest berries around the size of dimes.
The tree they grow on is only around 10 feet high, max.
Sweet, no pits.
Berries grow in small groups, from 1-6 berries, and not in clumps (more spread apart).
Open at the top like blueberries.
I'm positive they aren't blueberries. I'll ask an expert if I can't get an answer here. I'm debating on whether they are buckthorn berries? It's the closest description I can find.