
Dangerous Ex or Idiot?

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I have a DV protective order against an ex who had a hidden life. The events were so traumatic that I was diagnosed with PTSD. I have had no contact with him since April. He has a clause in the RO that he can attend an athletic event we both participate in. He shows up on Monday with his ow, baby and mother. I dont care but he proceeds to stare at me most of the day. He brought this lowlife to my job to jump on me. They have a jerry springer lifestyle and I chose not to be in a triangle. He has prior convictions for assault and kidnapping all involving this long term OW. Is it likely the staredown was to intimidate in hopes that I would leave? He admitted to be a narcisstic sociopath in the end If someone got exactly what they wanted why continue to intimidate? He told me he enjoyed the dark side of life and I am completely different. Has anyone experienced something similar?




  1. Dangerous idiot.

    Buy a gun.  Learn how to use it (take a firearm safety class).  Don't be afraid to shoot him to protect yourself.

    Don't become a statistic.  Too many women are killed each year by their lovers, husbands, exes.

    Daddy used to tell me, "You can't rape a 38".

  2. Oh my God...honey.  I'm sorry you're going thru this.  All I'd have to say is don't ever underestimate this clown.  So I'd say certainly that he's dangerous and not just an idiot.  With what you already went thru with him, he's obviously still playing games.  Just please be careful.  He could be bluffing now, but why take the chance with your own well being and health.   Stay as far away from this joker as possible.  Good luck to you.

  3. Both.  Stay away from him and ignore his stares.  If he knows he scares you he will thrive on it.

  4. He sounds both dangerous and idiotic.

    Watch your back, report him for harassment or violation of protective order.

  5. Your life didn't end just because you relationship did. Go on with your day to day activities, and forget him. Even if you two are in the same place, put your game face on and do what you came to do. Have fun doing it too.

  6. I'd find another life, one of my own...that isn't shared with him. Scared? No, I have nothing to prove by continuing doing anything we did together before. I'm happy to start a NEW and HAPPY life of my own w/out him in it.

  7. Girl, you gotta know when to fold them. Find a new location for your athletic event...anything less and you have no right to complain and whine about him. He is a few neurons short of having a brain.  

  8. I dated a narcissist that later turned sociopath and it doesn't matter that you are over him and moved on, its about him not being the center of attention and controlling the situation. So he is trying to intimidate you to control the situation and force you to have to think about him.

    The only way to deal with type of person is to avoid them, ignore them and keep them out of your life.

  9. Sorry, but this transcends the experience of us normal guys.

  10. Yes, I was harassed and stalked by my husband's ex wife. Her diagnose? BPD-with anti-social traits. She terrorized me for years until one day I decided to completely ignore her. I stopped any possible contact with her. These people get a thrill from drama and they love to get involved in relationships full of love and hate. My advice? DO NOT ATTEND that event anymore. You are just feeding his sociopathic thoughts and behavior. Ignore him, break any contact/communication with him.  THAT"S THE ONLY WAY.

    These people are Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde .  Get away, and find support with your friends and family, and always try to be in the company of someone. It didnt work for me that way.

    NOTE: I moved out of the state.

  11. yes a few times try to get the orders extended whenever possible , heck move out of state if you need to. hes dangerous and stupid and likes to keep control and you are probably not the only one he does it too  I bet there are others as well. people like that think they can control you forever.  Call the cops whenever you feel threatened by his behavior.  

  12. Dealt with a number of narcissists. Can't say about him, but they can be dangerous psychopaths, because they have no real feeling for anyone else. Any feeling they show is either a show or it's them trying to look normal and caring. But they turn vicious when thwarted, because How Dare You Thwart the only person on Earth who matters. Do not get suckered into every being anywhere he is without lots of people, and even that may not be safe. There's nothing you can do, aside from exactly what he wants that he won't see as something you're doing to him. It's when that goes on for whatever time he will tolerate that he will be moved to take action to retrieve his status as king.  
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