My horse, has become very dangerous at feeding time.
He tries to kick us, buck at us, bite us or just pushes us around.
He never used to be like this at all. He used to just stand there and wait, but now he's just gotten so silly, im afraid to be around him.
Hes even managed to kick my mum twice.
I just dont know what to do. My sister suggested biting him really hard on the nose, to get dominance over him, but another one said that idea is silly.
I was thinking of maybe tying him up as feed is made and such, and wait till he his calm, and then let him have his food.
He gets fed twice daily, and the only difference is that I don't ride him as often as I used to, so he's not really getting worked. We have also changed his feed slightly.
And normally I would spend time with him for a while in the arfternoon, but I've just normally fed him and left lately because im doing something.
He isn't sore, hes in perfect condition, how can I stop him from being so aggressive?