
Dangerous tylenol dosage question.?

by  |  earlier

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i would like to know what effects the average male would receive per dosage or what you suspect would happen if he took tylenol. for example if he took two pills in a 30 minute period he would most likely benefit from pain loss. at four........ect up to the amount at which would be an overdose and possibly fatal.

if anyone can help i would appreciate it so much so! thanks a lot!




  1. Adequate/Max Adult Male (12+) Acetomenaphine dose:

    1000 mg at every 4 hour interval until pain/fever subsides.

  2. Yes. He would recieve relief as long as the person is over 12!

  3. In the 30 minute period if you took over four then i would consider that as an overdose but if you haven't then your pain will go away

  4. It's actually pretty simple. A normal dose is about 15 mg/kg body weight. That may not get serum levels into the therapeutic range on the first dose, but it's a good giudeline, and the therapeutic blood levels themselves aren't necessarily the best guide. From that point up, there's no additional benefit (plateau effect) at any dose. People individually at some level will have their stomach rebel at taking some number of pills, quite variable. The smallest dose that holds the risk of acute toxicity is 150 mg/kg, and it isn't consistent to about treble that amount.  Tylenol is probably the safest medication of any type ever made. If you're going to cause liver damage with an acute overdose, it's because you want to.

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