
Dangers of ME surfing?

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I'm 16 and live in Guernsey, Channel Islands, my dad's friend is going to teach me how to surf yay! and I am really chilled about it and can't wait to start, however my mum is worried because I have mild Haemophhilia (a bleeding disorder which means I bruise easy etc and in a more severe form can be very risky) she keeps going on about how she is worried I could get hurt, I know the obvious you could wipeout and smack your head on the board etc but are there any other dangers??? there are no rocks on the beach I will be surfing at and the waves are average to large dependant on wind speed, he is going to teach me on calmer days to begin with obviously. I will be in a shortie wet suit and have a rashie etc on too. other worries???

Please also answer these questions if you can...

1) Do you surf barefoot?

2) Is a leg rope a good idea?

3) How long should I wait til I get a surfboard?

If any of you are about 15-18 + surf plz add my yahoo + talk 2 me

Rikki X




  1. Even when surfing master dont swim in deep parts of lakes, oceans or the sea.

    Yes you surf bearfoot. A leg rope would be good for starting.

    And Start of with a buggy board, once you start getting on to the waves you will have to start getting a surf board.(real)

    becuase on youtube a saw a video this guy when pretty far down his arm got toren by a shark.

    so when starting and mastering surfing dont go to deep!

    (lmao please rate best answer.)

  2. Theres a very, very small chance that by chance you could get bite by a shark. From below surfers tend to look like seals. The chances of this happening are less then the chance of getting bitten by a dog. Just throwing it out there though... Good luck learning how to surf! Enjoy yourself!

  3. I will be perfectly honest with you. You can get injured surfing. Surfing is a tough physical activity. But, it is no more inherently dangerous for a person with your condition than for example, bicycling.

    I started surfing when I was a little younger than you, in 1966. Since then, I have had some breaks, sprains, strains and been cut up a few times. But, that is over 42 years, in all kinds of conditions. The only sea creatures that I have tangled with are jelly fish, although I have seen sharks up close and personal a couple times. You are just starting, and somebody is going to be there to teach, so there really isn't too much to worry about.

    I surf barefoot (doesn't everybody?) except when the water is cold enough for me to be in my booties and gloves (10 -  12 degrees or less). Nobody today should really surf without a leash (leg rope as you call it). There are just too many positive sides to using one. And, DON'T BUY A SURFBOARD. Wait till you decide that this is something you really want to do; want to keep doing; and are willing to make the cash investment in doing it. Take your advice from your dad's friend, and/or the folks at a good local surf shop. They can help you out far better than anybody on line.

    Good luck, have fun, and be careful (but still have fun)!

  4. i wordn't worry about injuries(you won't be learning on waves biger than a couple of feet.

    1 - some do some don't (if you don't you wear water booties (water shoes))

    2 - it's called a leash and they are a law that you must wear them.

    3 wait til you know that you like surfing(blah gave a pretty s**+tty answer) wait until you know what you want. ie. short board, long board, funboard, fish...

    edit* Megg: i have been bitten by dogs about 10 times. that BS. i think you meant a coconut folling out of a tree and hitting you.

  5. I surf barefoot, I think alot of people do


    other dangers of surfing include but are not limited too

    shark attacks


    being washed out to sea

    being KOed by your board

  6. the only thing i worried about when i was surfing was hitting other people. like ine time it was my first time on a hard board and i got up on this one wave and i looked and my bro was in the way and i bailed and the wave took me and i was pulled by the board and my bro looked around and there was my board and i came and it slamed in his head lol but he was ok .


    probally a good idea to wear it

    till you get good and can do it solo

    im 15 but im a noob at surfing lol

  7. if you are afraid of hitting your head on the board, when you have the feeling that you will fall jump off the board as far as you can and cover you head.another danger is shore break when the waves break on the shore. i wouldnt really surf that because if you fall on shore break it can cause you severe back and neck injuries. the best way to fall on a day with shore break is to is to jump off and land a bit more flat so the water will keep you from going all the way to the bottom. if there is a reef at your beach dont surf there unless the reef is far down. and the last danger to surfing is drownding. if you tend to fall off you board a pretty bad way like head first and if you are going very deep under water. do NOT panick. that is the most posible way to drownd is if you panic. what to do is stay calm and let the wave go over you then slowly get to the top. thats all i can really give you and i wish the best of luck to you.

  8. 1. yes

    2. yes

    3. rent one first

  9. your just starting out on whitewash so no there are no worries

  10. you should be alright the worst ive done is cut myself on one of the fins (but that was only because it was really rough:P)

    It depends on what i feel like on colder days i waer stuff on my feet but when its warmer i dont, the leg rope is a pretty good idea for sure and it depends how good you get and how fast you might be better off waiting untill you get better and buy a short board where as as a begginer you will us a long board

  11. 1) yes

    2) for a beginner yes

    3) now

    you'll be ok

  12. I don't want to scare you, but I live in florida and I've been bitten twice (2 different times) by sharks while surfing.

    When you first start off surfing, wiping out is VERY common.

    you should start out on small waves. I have so many scars from surfing, but they are from surfing 7-10 ft waves. surf barefoot, but you use surf wax on your board so that its not as slippery.

    2. yes, its called a leash for your board

    3. I recommend you do not rent a surfboard, because its a waste of money.

    any questions, just message me through myspace:

  13. getting hit over the head with the surfboard and nearly drowning.
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