
Dangers of Old Tires?

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I know how to check my tires to see how old they are but how long is the shelf life of the tire? Does it vary from manufacturer to manufacturer? Does the quality of the tire make a difference? $75 tire VS $150 tire?




  1. Every tire contains certain amount of moisture and oil, with the passage of time both of these get evaporated making the tyre too hard. Normally, tyres are designed for four to five years, so the use of tyre is not only the criteria to change the tyres. Physical cuts, bulge, deep marks on the sidewall and deformation are also the strong indications for the change of tyres.

    Also, i think brand is again a factor. I prefer to use only CEAT tires for my car. I am very happy with the performance.

    If you are looking for professional tire safety tips then you should visit CEAT official website-

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