
Daniel Boone Genealogy?

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If mary boone was Daniels sister and her and Mr. Bryan had kids and they had kids and they had kids and they had kids and they had kids and so on about 7 times and my mom was thoose kids kid what would that make me? im not looking for a direct answer but something along the lines of great x10 _____

grandpa or cousin or uncle or something (=




  1. Write out on a piece of paper how many greats you think you are back to the parents of Daniel and Mary Boone, your common ancestor. By listing the generations of descendants you can figure out what  number cousin you are to Daniel Boone. The chart below may help.

  2. Those first children - Mary and Mr. Bryan's offspring - were all Daniel's nieces and nephews.

    Their children in turn were his grand nieces and nephews. (Just like grandson and granddaughter, only N&N).

    The next set were the first great grand nieces and nephews.

    (Again, just like great grand son & daughter, only N&N.)

    Then the second great grand N&N, third great, etc.

  3. Idk, but guess what, the best teacher ever, (he let us watch the 3 stooges once, and his methods of teaching the most boring subject, history, made it fun and easy.) is a decendant of Daniel Boone!!!

  4. I don't know the answer to your question, but it caught my eye because I have been wondering the SAME THING my entire life, as I am told that Daniel Boone is my great, great, great,etc.,..etc...grandfather as well. Honestly! So maybe we are related. ?!?!


    If you did any research at all, you'd know why this question is completely unanswerable.  

    Things in genealogy ARE direct and exact.  There are no "maybes" in genealogy.  The way you would figure your relationship would be to count back from you to Mary Boone Bryan.  Everything in genealogy goes from today, back in time, and confirming each step. Meaning, it all depends on finding records to PROVE that your mom is a descendant from Mary Boone Bryan.

    I am looking carefully at HOW you have worded your stuff.. and I have a feeling that your mom's maiden name is Bryan, and you think she MIGHT come from this family.  The trick is.. if she DID come from this family, the records would be there to show this.  And you would be able to count back.

    I realize that the reason I am saying this, may be difficult to understand.  But.. you will have to take my word for it, in this case.

  6. I think he would be your gr, gr, gr, gr, grandfather once removed

  7. Count up the number of generations you have back to Daniel Boone.  Say its 7, for example.  You, your parents, and your grandparents are three of those 7 generations.  Substract those out.  He would be your 4th great-granduncle in that case.  Just subtract three from whatever number of generations it is.  If he was the brother of your direct ancestor than the number of times removed do not come into play at all.  He is an uncle, you just need to use the process I described to figure out exactly how great of an uncle he was.

    You do need to know the exact number of generations to know for sure.

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