
Danios, neons, cories, loaches, dwarf frogs?

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Would they all get along with each other? Can danios and neons school together so I can get less of them? Do they all like soft water? Can I get 3 danios and 3 neons? The minimum for each is 5 but can they school together and make 6?




  1. Your selection is fine as long as you choose smaller Loaches like Dwarf Chains (2"), Kuhli Loaches (3-4"), Zebra Loaches (3"), or similarly small species.  Very few Loaches reach a foot in length.  Neons and Danios will not school together.  The entire function of a school is to use numerous small organisms to appear as one larger organism-- if the fish don't all look very similar, this defense mechanism is useless.  For the stock you want, you should already be looking at a 20 gallon tank, so you'd have plenty of room for 7-10 Neons, just as many Danios, 4-5 Cories, and just as many of one species of the above mentioned Loaches.

  2. I don't think so , and I know a lot about fish.But ,you should keep at least 6 neon tetras as they will school,but any less and their life will crash immediately ( about 1 week maybe more ) .I you keep any less you should let them have the tank to themselves as schooling fish of all kind need to be in a school of at least 6 at all times. This includes small barbs,some loaches,danios and especially tetras. Make sure you do research on the fish before buying it,as some schooling rules apply. Like tetras,barbs,danios,loaches,cories (etc)Yes they all do like soft water and blackwater which softens water and is soft from the start.

  3. well don't get loaches since they can grow to a  foot long each and will need a pretty big tank and no danios will not school with tetras so your best bet it to get 5 tetras,5 danios and 2 dwarf frogs also you maybe wanna get a 29 gallon tank to fit them all if you still aren't happy just get 7 tetras and 2 dwarf frogs in a 10 gallon tank

  4. I think the danios and tetras would be fine together. I started out with 4 neons, 2 zebra danios, and 2 cherry barbs....some have died from ick so I have 2 neons and 2 zebra danios living together for about 2 months so far. They seem to be doing just fine. The zebra danios seem to be way more resilient than both the cherry barb and the neons. I don't know about the cories, loaches and frogs. I think you can get 3 of each and it would be just fine.

  5. i think so

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