
Dark, Sticky Discharge Between Periods???

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For the past few months I've been getting a dark (black brown) sticky discharge in between periods. I think it may be blood because sometimes when I wipe along with the dark stuff there's some light red stuff. It'll last for a few days and then go away until the next month. I'm not pregnant, my periods come normally, and i'm sexually active. My menstrual cramps HAVE been more painful in the last few periods, too. I have a vibrator which I use on a regular basis, but I keep it clean.




  1. I think its just some of your period that is flushing out. If your really worried go see your doctor.  

  2. Yes it is blood.  It's just left over from your periods and is getting cleaned out of your system.

  3. Since this is happening every month you need to see your GYN. This is not normal and the reason needs to be found and corrected before damage is done, There maybe an infection, inflammation, fibroid tumors, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, endomytriosis to name a few possibilities.

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