
Dark skin complex. help please?

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I am starting to dislike my skin color more and more. I'm 16 yrs old in high school, and I feel like everybody's kind of disgusted by it.Whenever I dress up, I feel like I'm dressing up a pig. No matter how good I look, I'm still dark, and it really bothers me. I know it sounds bad, but that's how I feel. I see myself in a group photo, and I HATE it cause I stick out like a sore thumb. Whenever I'm brought up, people always say "oh that dark girl?" and it really bothers me. I feel like guys will never like me or I won't be considered one of the pretty girls at school cause of my skin color. I'm afraid that I'm just gonna have to settle with that one boy that likes my skin tone, whether I like it or not because can't do any better. On top of that, the kids are so harsh... they call me midnight and blackie. I know it's been said before but it just eats away at my self esteem like crazy. I try so hard to appreciate my skin tone, but it gets harder and harder everyday. I don't know what to do with myself.

how do I deal with bullies? How can I tell them "Dark skin is beautiful" when I don't believe it myself? Anybody else going through this with advice?




  1. I used to be very self conscious about my skin tone.i thought i was pitch black but my mom told me in actuality i was sort of light. she said my mind made me seem like i was something else. people didnt really pick on me because there were plenty of people darker than me. it always seemed like the light skinned dudes with that wavy baby hair got the mos play with the girls. but in 9th grade it changed. the girls were just comin at me from everywhere with compliments and tellin me in cute n sh*t.i had confidence and i would get girls but NOT like i was before 9th grade.

  2. loooooooooove the skin your in.  Some day it will help you.  There are a lot of dark models just to point that out.

  3. Are they trying to be mean? Do they know this offends you? Tell them to stop, and tell them "Dark skin is beautiful." You probably look great. People were made all different colors for a reason. In most of my group pictures, I'm the only African-American, and my skin looks orange-ish in yearbook choir photos and such, but I notice the positive - my skin looks like it's glowing in the picture, because it's darker, and that looks nice to me. I stick out, but that draws attention to the really pretty dress that I'm wearing in the picture. I feel bad for you because I never understood how skin color caused low self esteem for so many girls, because I never had that. I saw a documentary on this.... I'll post later once I find the link, it will be in stores soon... but you should totally see that. You are a beautiful person no matter what. Find a feature about yourself that you like, and highlight it. Dress your best, smell your best, eat right, and feel your best. You need to feel good on the inside to start feeling good on the outside. Just a second.....

    There you go! Some people were getting all emotional when I went to the private screening. In my family, there are people of all colors, and I think that some of my darkest family members are also some of the most beautiful. I could even go as far as to say I think some of the heaviest people in my family are the most beautiful. I am not just saying that either. There is something wonderful about everyone. Even going to therapy just to work on self confidence, or checking out some self help books on confidence could help you. Get into something onstage, where you're in the spotlight. I do pageants, and I've seen really dark girls win. I've seen magazines with really dark, bald headed women on the covers. Everyone is worth something. Friends, love, and happiness.

  4. I HAVE DARK SKIN AND IM PROUD OF IT! Be happy, you are different, and there are lots of benefits that come with it- you are naturally tanned, you don't get sunburned and you don't have to put tons of makeup on you so that you don't look pale. Actually, there are a lot of lighter skinned people out there who almost envy our skin. Since I go to a private school, there weren't that many dark skinned people there and in the whole 7th and 8th grade I was the only darkskinned person, and I always stuck up like a sore thumb in pictures. It used to make me feel bad, and people used to tease me about it. But you know what? Who cares? With your skin color comes a lot of different benefits and Black is Beautiful! Someday, there's going to be a guy out there who's going to love you despite your skin color and despite any other outward appearances you may have. You just focus on that knowing that obviously those boys who don't appreciate your skin tone aren't right for you. I know how you feel, and it took me about 3 years to get over it.  

  5. honey trust me. you are beautiful

    i'm a light skinned sister myself

    but i love love love beautiful dark women

    b/c black is beautiful in all shades.

    the only thing you have to do is be more confident

    and have more self esteem

    and everyone will realize that you are beautiful

    trust me girl rep all of us black queens proud ;]



  7. Well sweetie,  thats tough!  Lil punks at school say nasty things and Im sure the likes of Naomi Campbell, Beyonce, Eddy Murphy etc to name a few all were teased about their color cos thats just the way some kids are.  Im not gonna say just ignore it cos thats hard to do, the key I think is to start with yourself and accept who you are.  Cos girl that skin is not changing and it IS BEAUTIFUL to be dark.  Why do you think all the chicks you see in mags and on music vids are dark???  Cos they have attitude and thats all you need.  

    Believe in yourself, have that attitude before you walk out your door and stuff all the lil jerks who call you names.  You'll get yours dont worry...

  8. Just don't worry about those people.There are plenty of beautiful Dark skinned women.There will be more guys that like you for you in the future.The guys right now in high school are very immature anyway.I use to have the same problem with my complexion and sometimes I still do.I just learned to except myself.I think you are going to have to do the same thing.Good luck!

    To deal with bullies you step to them and show them whose boss they will get the idea you not playing!

  9. bleach yourself like Michael Jackson

    I'm so white I glow at nite.

    I explode inot flame if out in the sun too long.

    i would love to have darker skin..

    Learn to be comfortable in your own skin

  10. Ignore those people, you're beautiful no matter what skin color you are, take pride of who you are. Don't worry about those jerks, they won't get anywhere in life.

  11. Believe that black is beautiful and the only reason people talk S**t about you is because they are ugly inside and need to put someone down to make themselves feel better.

    In life you will learn to take negative comments with a grain of salt. If a guy only likes u for your skin tone he isn't worth a second look.

    It's your brain that's going to get u places, not how light or dark u r.

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