
Dark turbo deck help? yugioh?

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3xcyber valley

3xdark nephthys

2xdark grepher

2xdestiny hero - dasher

2xlight and darkness dragon

2xdestiny hero - fear monger


elemental hero stratos

promethteus, king of the shadows

destiny hero - disk commander

dark magician of chaos



2xallure of darkness

2xreinforcement of the army

destiny draw

monster reborn

premature burial

brain control

burial from a different dimension

mystical space typhoon

heavy storm

lightning vortex


trap dustshoot

phoenix wing wind blast

escape from the dark dimension

return from the different dimension

torrential tribute

mirror force

this is my attempt at a dark turbo with a return element ... main plan to win is using prometheus and return (although i know this win condition is broken i still think it is a good way to win) ... any tips to improve it or give it an extra winning element ... i dont want to use any more destiny draw cos they are too hard to get

any tips appreciated

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  1. Ok make it more DDT with cards that can use their effects best when special summoned. its a deck that i'm workin on at the mo. when i say cards with good effects, when spec summoned i mean DMoC, Dark nephthys, Jinzo, Stratos.

    Here is the deck that i have made so far.

    Monsters: 14 ;)

    DMoC x1

    Jinzo x1

    Dark Nephthys x1

    Dark Horus x1

    Destiny Hero Diamond Dude x3

    Destiny Hero Dasher x3

    Elemental Hero Stratos x1

    Cyber Valley x3

    Spells: 20

    Destiny Draw x3 Plus 2 with DDT

    Monster Gate x3 Free Monster with DDT

    Reasoning x3 plus 1 with DDT

    Allure of Darkness x2 Pluss 1 with DDT

    D.D.R. Different Dimension Reincarnation x2

    Heavy Storm x1 Plus 1 With DDT

    Premature Burial x1

    Brain Control x1 No cost with DDT

    Monster Reborn x1 Plus 1

    Scapegoat x1

    Machine Duplication x1

    Reinforcement of the Army x1 Plus 1

    Traps: 7

    Escape from the Dark Dimension x3 only valleys uneffected

    Deck Devestation Virus x1 6 potential targets

    Mirror Force x1

    Torrential Tribute x1

    Return From the Different Dimension x1

    Basically the idea is to take advantage with the DDT. U dont need as many Monsters in this deck as your constantly millin through your deck with the gates and reasonings. the idea is to get high level monsters out Easily and fast. with all the dark support its hard not to gain control fast. the valleys are essential. there 3rd effect is particualry useful in this deck as they can remove high level darks in your hand from play making targets for return from the dif, and they also put for example a Destiny draw back on top of the deck giving you a garenteen +2 with DDT.. I'v seen your coment about destiny draws and i myself currenttly only own 1. dont kno what to replae them with. maybe trade ins as diamond dude will still give the same effect with it as if was a Destiny draw. Also dont be afraid to trib DMoC for cards like Gate as i tent to keep recycling DMoCs effect by calling him back to the field with Escape. anyway, hope this has helped. sam

  2. You definty need dark armed dragon proably should add destiny hero plasma and dogma . neo spacian dark panter destiny hero dragoon and dark genral freed from light of destruction. And think about adding phantom of chaos and rainbow dark dragon.

  3. Guardian Sphinx is a good card to provide an extra option. Not really in theme with the rest of the deck but when you flip summon it, you return all opponents monsters to their hand (including face down ones) and after the battle phase, you can flip it back to face down position. It has a very good defense as well. I think it is 1700 attack and 2400 defence.

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