
Darklord Zerato centered deck?

by Guest66600  |  earlier

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Anyone have any card suggestions for a Darklord Zerato deck that does not include Dark Armed Dragon?




  1. soz no

  2. well, lets try this.

    19 monsters

    3 darklord

    3 vanny the dark dragon lord

    1 dark mage of chaos

    3 phantom of chaos

    2 d- hero dasher

    1 sniper hunter

    1 card trooper

    2 armageddon knight

    2 mastic tomato

    1 spirit reaper

    magic 11

    2 allure of darkness

    3 trade-in

    1 heavy storm

    1 fires of doomsday

    1 D.D.R

    1 reinforcement of the army

    1 monster reborn

    1 premature

    trap 10

    1 escape from dark dimension

    1 mirror force

    1 torrential tribute

    1 return from different dimension

    3 solemn judgment

    2 divine wrath

    1 bottle less trap

    since dark lord can't stand alone, I added dark dragon lord., usually dark dragon lord comes with other Light monsters, but since they are weak and this deck is mostly Dark, I took them out. This way discard dark lord, use phantom remove it, use phantom/darklord effect, then use DDR or escape to bring dark lord back next turn. Usually people use 2 darklord in a deck, but I add one more, it works better in this deck.

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