
Darkrai, shaymin, manaphy, and cresselia. how do i get these pokemon on pearl???

by  |  earlier

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i kno you have to go to full moon island for cresselia, new moon island for darkrai, you get manaphy from an egg, and shaymin on flower paradise. the thing is idk how to get any of these places or the egg. i kno its an event but does anyone kno how to trigger these events??




  1. you have to get mystery event first. then you check for where there is going to be a nintendo event. it usually happens in toys r' us. check online for the dates. cresselia you get on full moon after you get the national dex. you have to catch it like you caught mesprit.

  2. Darkrai and shaymin are activated by recieving special items from events and then doing something to activate the events to get them.

    Manaphy can be gotten from pokemon ranger after you complete its mission through mystery gift. You go to a pokemart and talk to a man in green to get it. There was also events at places like toysrus where they gave it out to people who went.

    Cresselia's event is activated by talking to the people in a house on the southwestern part of canalave. Then the sailor will say he will take you to the island where it is. You talk to it and it runs off leaving an item. Take the item back to the house and talk to the people again. Then go hunting cresselia just like you did with mespirit.

  3. People don't mean events by scenes, you have to go to a nintendo event, sometimes in other Countries and sometimes in the Toy's R' Us stores.


    ●Nintendo event already happened, but the upcoming pkmn ranger game lets you catch it then transfer it to pkmn diamond or pearl.


    ●The nintendo even hasn't happened yet, just wait for it to be announced on a website or something.


    ●Event happened last year, but you can do the secret mission in the original pkmn ranger game, just finish the game, enter the code for the mission (Can't remember but just look it up) and do the mission on the game, after you do it you can transfer it to pkmn diamond-pearl.


    ●Finish the pokemon league, get the national pokedex, then visit the other side of Canalave city, enter the house right above the boat and talk to the woman, go out, then talk to the guy with the boat to visit Full moon island, it'll run off like Mesprit so throw a masterball on it or put the move mean look on it so it can't escape then damage-catch it.


    If it's in the start list and you press it and nothing happens that means that you already have the pokemon.. Or you just can't get it yet or something..

    I dont get what exactly what you're saying in the addiional details but Im trying -.-

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