Cancer:Cancer is a grumpy, secretive, passive-aggressive grudge hoarder, with bipolar mood swings and a positive genius for pointless worrying. You are grumpy, moody, wingy, snappy, graceless, gloomy, grudge-encrusted, devious and fretful. You distrust life and have no faith in the future. To build immunity against fate's random cruelty, you look for homeopathic doses of gloom wherever you scuttle. You well up over anything lonely and hopeless. You love to whine about everything and everyone and are shameless addicted to other's misfortune.
Aquarius:You are a chilly, detached, eccentric loner, with perverse voyeuristic habits and a shard of ice in your heart. You're aloof, arrogant, distant and offbeat. You are insulated in your own world and don't feel the consequences of your words or actions. You observe everyone else and never react spontaneously to any experience. Whatever you're doing, the inner you is busy making observations and taking notes. You don't do routine or reliable. You want to be needed but won't ever admit you need someone.
Capricorn:You are a cold, cruel, petty minded slave driver with unsuspected yet unquenchable ambition and an addiction to tightfisted penny-pinching. You are mean, miserly, cold-hearted, self-opinionated, petty, negative, unforgiving and pessimistic. You seem ultra-respectable and old-at-heart on the outside while claiming to be insecure. You have the stamina and relentlessness to push people until they give in and follow your way. You hate to be teased, embarrassed or made to look undignified. You'd do absolutely anything to preserve your social status. You'd also prefer to keep your ruthless, pathological ambition under wraps.
Sagg:You are reckless, tactless and an obnoxious oaf with a morbid fear of restraint and an addiction to losing your shirt. You are brash, crass, loudmouthed and impetuous, but not stupid. You know that if you look remorseful enough, odds are you'll get away with any kind of naughtiness. You are a mindless hooligan and game for anything risky, violent and pointless. No one keeps you on a tight rein, or any rein at all. You crash your way through any barriers. You run from commitments. You tell it like it is without waiting to be asked. You can't keep secrets. You're not here to live only once; you live twice and then some. Whatever you do, you take it to the limit and push it over the edge. Gambling is your biggest vice. You love to fight, preferably within a large crowd. Sometimes you don't even care how or why it started as long as you're in the middle of it. You're a loose cannon.