
Darn Pee test....what do you think?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i am a few days late, and have a hole bundle of symptoms ( nausea, dizzy, sleepy, cramping like i have my period, aversion to strong smells, and a few others) So i bought 2 EP test. The first one i took yesterday night and it had a very very very faint positive. The second one i did first thing in the morning today, but i kinda was to vigorous with my pee (soaked the hole thing) and well neither the control box or the other had any line. Today i decided i would by the wicked cheap $1 store brand, just to check again and that was negative.

so to recap i have gotten a very very faint positive, a error, and a negative.

Could i possible be pregnant? ( i plan to test again in the morning, but i am just SO curious today.) Anything like this happen to anyone else




  1. PREGNANT WOOTIE WOOT!! seriously no matter how very faint it is! and as for the error, well thats simple your only suppose to hold the stick under for about 3 to 5 secs to much and cause a error its in the manuel lol, and the other could have been exactly what it was just a cheap test..especially for one buck..the hormone levels could have been a higher rating then the better brands which detect i smaller amount SO congrats

  2. i would have to say with the symptoms and being late as well as the faint positive ur prego congrats a faint positive is still a positive... if ur not sure and want to go get a blood test and or and internal u/s...all my tests were negative and when i went to the doc they did an internal us and found out i was 4 months prego

  3. i believe you are pregnant




    Yes, you're preggers. This happens a lot in early pregnancy, because unless you're using really concentrated pee, you run the risk of false negatives. But false positives are incredibly rare, because the tests only register if you have 5 times the amount of pregnancy hormone than you would do if you weren't pregnant. 5 TIMES!

    Make sure you use FMU in the morning.  

  5. No matter how faint, you are pregnant! So congratulations! To explain the faint positive, a error, and a negative....well that is because you switched test brands. Different test brands detect different levels of HCG. It sounds like the EP test was a more sensitive test and the dollar store test was not quite as sensitive. I would go out and buy another EP test and test tomorrow with first morning urine. GOOD LUCK!

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