
Darnell: Does anyone feel.....???

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more sorry for him than he does for himself.... ???

bl***dy h***




  1. i dont feel sorry for him :/ :L

    hes nasty :(

  2. No and I don't feel sorry for the saddos that watch this s****.

  3. all the  RTV regulars  have pretty  much  summed up  what  i would have  said   and yes  Sue is right  it  was a  witchhunt on  here last  night  , This has been  brewing  for a while   and although his comments were  in bad  taste and unacceptable  i  feel  little  sympathy  for  Sarah  she has encouraged him  all the way. Darnell has   serious issues with his  self esteem and just wants  to fit  in  , he  should stop  beating himself up and accept  that   he  can't be liked by  everyone as for the blubbling  doesn't wash   with  me   and that  goes  for  Kat  too

  4. i don't particularly like darnells behaviour at the moment but i do understand it. sara has been flirting with him something rotten and then as soon as he made a move (even if it was a terrible move)!! with the whole arrowgate thing she jumped up and in front of everyone shouts "i can't believe you would say that" darnell is all about his street cred and now he feels highly embarassed and does not know whether he is coming or going. so he did what he has done right from the start. he rejected her before she rejected him. its his way of trying to save his street cred and protect his feelings. it may be a paranoid and immature way of dealing with things and that is something he will have to address when he gets out but we cannot gloss over sara's part in all this. in his eyes she humiliated him on national tv. the thing is he knows he has done wrong yet she acts all sweet and innocent when she should accept some responsibility for the breakdown in their relationship.!!

    thanks for the lend of your soapbox mrsg!!!!!

  5. Just before the end....very convenient time to start blubbing??? That is the channel 4 producers, not sara. She was very upset because the snide comments had been building up all night. At first she just brushed them off, but as they continued to victimise her she couldn't deal with it. I personally think she handled the whole situation brilliantly, far better than I could have.

    I'm sorry that you have such (unjustified) issues with sara, who has been nothing but gracious, considerate and consistent throughout. Darnell has been rude, abusive and vindictive. His intentions are to cause confusion and negativity in the house. He is a sh*t stirrer who is only ever content when everyone is miserable like him.

    As a female it was upsetting even just to watch on tv, so for sara it must have been unbearable. My husband also found it very uncomfortable as he would never speak to a woman in the way that Darnell (or Rex) did.

  6. Not after what I saw last night I don't .... I feel sorry for Sara.  

  7. I feel real sorry for Darnell. That guy will forever be beating himself up because of him being Albino.

    He is saying that people like Sara would be falling at his feet if he had been "normal" True, true...but he has to get use to it that he is what he is and not many women are going to fall at his feet.

    I'm beginning to think that he must be a real nightmare for every woman who spurns his advances.

    I like Darnell and would be happy to see him win....But his attitude stinks.

  8. I feel sorry for his shrink when he gets out.

  9. I don't feel sorry for Darnell or ANY verbal bully EVER but Sara seems to think that turning on the tears will work for her - sorry - it doesn't work for me !

    She's been dishing out the flirting since day1 - if she acted more like a lady, she'd be treated more like one.

    However, this year on BB weve discovered that bully-boys are OK but dare to open your mouth and express an opinion if you're a girl and you're out

    If I had my way- neither Rex nor Darnell would still be in the house  

  10. As they say in the playground....

    Sara started it....end of....

    Cant take the heat LOVE....etc.....

  11. aw hes a flippin disaster!! He would depress anyone.

    I dont feel sorry for him at all

  12. Not in the slightest!

  13. I dont feel sorry for him - he is sooo nasty to sarah and he is a weirdo.

    N Kinda pervy!  

  14. I don't feel sorry for him a bit .... :L

    He's so nasty to Sara and I fxcking hope he goes tonightt.


  15. everybodys been through shite, Darnell needs to deal with it and move on, regardless, there's no excuse for his fecked up behaviour!

  16. yer     i   do    feel     sorry    for   him  ..       hes    a    lost   soul   .

  17. Nah I think after watching last night's he is a bully and if he wins the 50k tonight I may cry lol I want to go and shout over the fence "Don't nominate Darnell" lmao

  18. For some reason I've always had a soft spot for Darnell and up to last night I really wanted him to win. I do think he has most of the hm's sussed very well and I can see the reasoning behind alot of the theories he's had about certain situations. However, there is no need to call someone a s**t in the way he did and he went overboard with Sarah and he has shot himself in the foot.

    What I found most annoying about the whole thing though was Kat trying to get her issues with Darnell over to the public, by bringing it up with everyone she spoke to, egging Sarah on to get upset and saying over and over "is it Darnell" (like she didn't know) !!

    Darnell was spot on when he pulled Kat about her reaction to the announcement that Mo was HOH and from that moment it became project get Darnell out.

    At least Darnell is upfront with how he thinks and genuine about it, he just needs to realise attack isn't the only way to defend yourself.

  19. I couldn't actually give a shite Doc,,,,I quite like Darnell and wouldn't be upset if if won......but the amount of Hysteria on here last night was like....lets hang Darnell from the nearest Lampost when he gets out !!!  And from people that RTV regulars won't prob see again for another year !!!

  20. Just said the same thing on one of Whip's questions, it's no worse than anything said outside the house!

    OK Darnell didn't behave like a gent and shouldn't have said it but FFS are people forgetting that he is perhaps the only housemate who has been totally himself since the beginning?

    I don't remember this much hysteria when Dennis spat on Mo!

  21. i think darnell has real problems he should see a shrink

  22. he originally was a nice guy. as with everything, darnell looks into everything with microscopic to speak. i love darnell. what he did and said yesterday was totally inappropriate, no excuse for disrespecting a woman like that and although i know he couldn't hear me but i had a right go at him during last night's viewing. i sat down saying that it's only coz he is hurt but didn't want to admit it. then i read that article in digital spy and thought to myself. it's all because he is an emotional wreck. when he began feeling things for sara, and told her in the bathroom and then went on to tell her that he never had a girlfriend. i think she really did take the p**s though. but no woman deserves to be spoken to like that. it's also true that when he tries to speak to her Kat is always up in people's faces. so i do feel sorry for him and wish he would really take her aside and tell her what he said to rachel and kat about wanting to make her feel the way he felt.

    my miserable darnell. his paranoia has really gotten the best of him in the house. the guy he went in as is the real him. it just goes to show what an emotional wreck a person could's a thought....

    insecurities+paranoia=bad matter what happens, he has jeopardised his beliefs and everything we respected him for from day 1.  and all of this because of his jealousy eating him up

  23. no i just feel hatred for him.

  24. No way. I wouldn't feel sorry for him. Even if that c**p he said in that link was true (which I really doubt) I wouldn't feel sorry for him as he is using it as an excuse to treat people like S**t which is not right. You can't do that. It's rude, nasty and bullying.

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