
Darren Millane... should the pies players be made to remember ?

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Sounds callous but perhaps a photograph of Darren Millane's car (AFTER HE CRASHED IT) should be placed on few in the collingwood changed rooms.. as a reminder to what CAN happen...

Of all the clubs ... I thought the Players from Collingwood would be more aware........




  1. Millane was part of a loving family, and a football club united as never before by the premiership. Shaw's family members were part of that, I would have thought they would have drummed it into him what happens when you mix booze and petrol.

    But it's worth another try, if only to save some kid's life.

    Get one of Millane's family and someone like Gavin Brown to lead a group discussion about what happens to drink drivers and their team mates and family, and have all the Collingwood boys attend, including the two copped at the weekend.

    And if it works, have the same pair address other AFL teams.

  2. The photo thing might be a little extreme, but I definitely think that the Millane accident should have been warning enough to the Collingwood players of what happens when you drink drive.

    I am so disappointed in those players, and I think that the stupidity of Shaw and Didak, especially after Shaw's sister was critically injured in a car accident, is unforgivable. It was lucky no-one was injured.

    I feel sorry for Eddie McGuire and the club for what these players have done, and I am ashamed of what they did. It is a disgrace to the Collingwood footy club.

    Rogue: Would you happen to know the Collingwood email address? I want to email them too.

  3. Good idea and not  just Collingwood players all players should have to go the rehabilitation centres that hold the survivors of these crashes sometimes that is even more of a wake up call.

  4. No!

    Why single out Millane.

    A photo of any accident caused by any other drunken hoon would suffice.

  5. You are absolutely right - I think I might email Collingwood FC and suggest your idea.

    Darren Millane (God rest his soul) should be made as an example of what happens if you drink and drive.  

    I also agree, of all the friggin teams in Victoria, Collingwood players should be the most vigilant against drink/driving and partying.  We lost our TAC sponsorship this year thanks to an idiot rookie Willingham.  

  6. Why dont you just put 'Crash' photos along every street and road in Australia. Let the Law look after drink drivers and let footballers play football.  

  7. I think that's a good idea. Not graphic photos, but an account to what happend to "Pants" 18 years ago. How old were this present duo when that happened? As a part of Collingwood tradition Darren Millane should be remembered not only as the bloke who finished up with the ball in 1990 Grand Final, but as to what happened subsequently. It belongs in the memorabilia with not just the stars of the club, but those not so lucky, like Robert Rose and John Greening.

    This is a club with a proud history, second to none. It is a huge privilege to play for this club and the colours. Of course you are a risk-taker, it's just that today every action on and off the field can be sensationalised  negatively or positively as the Press decides, and we all have to be so politically correct, and preach what the "thought police " tell us what to think and say.

    The club has acted, but the discussion and moral indignation will continue ad nauseum, again driven by the Press. Live and let live. Get over it.

    I personally think this matter has been driven by the Press and radio dictating indignation at the reckless behaviour of two young men, trained to be reckless on the playing field. There are too many of you playing the "Tall Poppy" syndrome. Jealous of what they have, and willing to cut them down to size when they get caught. I am willing to wager that Collingwood is not the only club where players drinking takes place. The secret of success is not to get caught. Not all footballers are "lily whites".

    Maybe a Bex, a cup of tea, and a lie down is all that is needed.

  8. as good a player as millane was, his hero status increased after he passed away - not a good thing considering what he did and I hope people out there dont think the events of that night were a one off

    cars are weapons, just like guns if not used responsibly

    take them all to the trauma centres, ERs nd it might get the message across

  9. I dnt remember Millane's accident, probably coz i was only one, but yea i think they should be reminded of what happened. it was stupid of Shaw to drink-drive but can you blame him for wanting a drink?

  10. I don't think there is any excuse & should they need a reminder, just watch the news each night when they mention how many people died on the roads that day!!

    Re Malthouse: The drug issues were apparently around when Ken Judge took over as coach (according to him) so I guess it is possible (but the Whole of WCE is to blame for the mess, not just the coach of the day....)

  11. I can't see where that action would do any good.

    All it would do is prove the point that nothing has changed at that club since Millane's accident. Players getting drunk & driving - nothing has changed. Collingwood has a booze culture & the players seem to strive to maintain that culture.

  12. booze will always make people do stupid things

    photos wont help

  13. The memories of a Collingwood hero should be enough for them..I am no Pie's fan,but i can remember shedding a tear the night Millane died,a bloody tragedy..

    If i remember it,and i 'm not even a fan,each and every player should have the memories of Darren Millane and his death in their minds..

    Shoving a picture in their faces wont do anything,it is when they loose someone or kill someone they might wake up..

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