
Darwin renounced evolution? When and why? Who told you that?

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What is the story, and where did this idea come from? This sounds a lot like a recycled story make up to discredit someone's ideas, right? I've heard almost the same story about Voltaire.




  1. probably said it to Edgar Cayce....

  2. he made those conclusion when he went on galapagos island.

  3. Darwin was considered a heretic by the Catholic church because of his ideas. Therefore the story was put out that he had renounced his ideas.It never really happened however.

  4. Maybe he wanted to go to heaven before he died.

  5. People who refuse to accept reason took some quotes of Darwin out of context, and then invented a deathbed confession.

    Those who can't stand the truth lie.

  6. Christian televangelist fundamentalist preachers told me that.

  7. Creationism is so out of touch with reality, that instead of coming out and admitting they were wrong. They take quotes from these people and chop and change to suit themselves.

  8. It's like "there are no atheists in fox holes" and dozens of other claims that get made up by assorted preachers, who accept the theory that lying to someone is OK, because you're saving their soul.

    You say the lie enough,it becomes accepted as truth.

  9. I searche dthe net and it seems as though the only person who said he did, Lady Hope, is no longer alive to ask and the family doesn't even believe he did so it's a matter of opinion.

  10. It is nonsense.  That would be consistent with the way that many religions deal with the subject of evolution, just make stuff up.

  11. Darwin never renounced his theories. He did apologize for possibly killing god. The catholic church never renounced him or his theories but incorporated it into the first "intelligent design" theory.

  12. your a noob! go to youtube and look up thunderclap!theres your answer lol

  13. That's just a story.  I don't have any source to back this up, but the way I heard it was that his wife started saying it.

  14. Never heard that one. I myself believe in evolution

  15. It is completely made up, simple as that. Dawkins last book goes into that for a moment and explains why it's complete nonsense. He even jokes that after he is dead he is afraid there will be some fake deathbed confession about how he wasn't an atheist and didn't believe in evolution

  16. Yup i agree with your first friend someone from the church pushing the bible,  and creationism.

  17. Religion is a crutch for the weak minded. Open up a science book and read. Think for yourself

  18. The Lady Hope affair. False claim of Darwin's death bed conversion. Pure hog wash that every one of Darwin's children, who were there, totally refuted. The ignorant still bring it up every once in a while.

  19. I am a Christian and do not believe in Evolution as I believe that it is a deliberate Conspiracy by Satan to Brainwash people into believeing that we came from Apes, ect ect,

    However, as far as Darwin renouncing Evolution ? I would like to believe that, However, The Reports of Lady Hope are not true.

  20. The Lady Hope story, perhaps?  It's a fun little hoax of great age.

  21. Well, it's a lie! I'm ashamed of that, as a believer who doesn't believe in evolution, but it's a lie.

    Absolutelly read this article, where they explain it. It's actually a good christian resource for Creationism/evolutionism debate, who is credible and true, so they admit it's a lie.

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