
Darwinism... i hope i'm not too late on this one. Has it been Done.?

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A renowned scientific thinker was on t.v. recently talking about Darwinism and looking to despatch christians along with Almighty God.

I have seen him a couple times on t.v. and read some of his views.

I have in the past found it hard to pinpoint his true stance.

I think he is a bit of a 'Devils Advocate'

Apparently he is good at Dinner Parties.

What do you think on Darwinism, a creation of laws and ruled written by one man, mortal man.

Amusing, or worth a debate.




  1. Evolution is what happened!  The 'Adam and Eve' thing is a load of $#!t!.

    If the A&E thing were true, wouldn't we all be in-bred?  And defected?  


    Evolution! *punches air in determined manner*


    ((I'm probably gonna get loads of thumbs-downs for this answer.))

  2. Well it is called the "theory of evolution" because that is exactly what it is....a theory.


  3. Evolution is a scientific fact.  Read about it.

  4. I think you missed the mark...

  5. richard dawkins author of the god delusion, there should be more people like him to argue their cause.  

  6. Its certainly not worth debating. Debates over, you lost. Kids in school today are learning the theory of evolution along with the theory of gravity and the theory of heliocentrism.

  7. we all evolved . . .god didnt just magically put us on to this world. . . the "adam and eve" story is stupid. . whoever thinks the opposite is  a r****d!. and dont tell me that u have the right to ur own beleifs, cas if u do, then well. . . i have the right to MY OWN BELEIFS TOO. . hmmph.. and i have the right to call u retarded xD yes i am an atheist and proud of it

  8. A SCIENTIFIC THEORY ISNT JUST A THEORY AS MOST PEOPLE KNOW IT. They are widley believed as facts with thousands of peices of evidence to back them up. would you dispute the theory of relativity just because of its name? sorry this actually aimed at that other guy lol in response to his answer.

    i strongly believe in evolution as it has more evidence to back it up than any other option!!!

  9. I agree with dunrobin...


  10. What do you think on Darwinism, a creation of laws and ruled written by one man, mortal man

    I'm not at all sure what you mean by that.

    Evolution by natural selection is a fact. Observed, demonstrated and proven.

    You may as well try to call Gravity 'Newtonism' and dismiss it as a law written by one mortal man!

  11. Maybe you should read the man's work and then ask people what they think about him.   The man was ahead of his time in so many areas.  His contribution to the human experience cannot be ignored, or put into such a paltry light as "well he's a mortal'.  We are all mortals and this makes his work even more amazing, he did this solely in his life time.  Stop watching T.V. about great minds and start actually reading them.

  12. If God created us through our parents, using a natural process, why not create everything by evolution, using that natural process?

    Other than benighted Fundamentalists, most educated Christians realize that the first chapters of Genesis are written in poetic and mythic genres -- true, but not concretely literal.

    The talking serpent part ought to make that clear.

    Go to any church related university or seminary of a mainline denomination (Episcopal, Lutheran, Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, United Church of Christ) and you will meet lots and lots of Christians who believe in both God *and* in the accuracy of evolutionary theory.

  13. evolution is fact, i don't see what there is to debate...

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