
Darwinists, Can we use Genesis to sink the Creationists forever?

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1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Comment: Nothing.

2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Comment: in the most popularized theory of science, a sudden explosion created all that we know. Basic compounds would have had to be present for this to happen.

3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Comment: An explosion.


9And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.


Comment: Popular theory of early earth science is that land was massed in one giant continent. Which then split and divided the oceans and seas.


11And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

12And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Evolution tells us that single celled species developed into more complex plants and animals. This would follow in that path, no?


Comment: I am going to end my argument on this one:

20And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven

Darwinists, you may want to read Genesis more completely. Then perhaps access this link to Time 06 article on God vs Science:,9171,1555132,00.html




  1. You used a lot of words to say nothing of any significance, I guess both hands were free which is unusual for you.

  2. I am sorry, but Christians won't go for this, and speaking as someone who believes in naturalism, I think this is just ridiculous.

    Your assessment is a gross oversimplification, and Genesis is very clearly a myth with no bearing on reality.

  3. You would think so because of all the evidence, but you are forgetting that the "religious virus" is a very hardy strain and needs a lot of common sense to cure.

  4. I'm not a "Darwinist."  In fact, I very much doubt there is such a thing.  I simply accept evolution as fact.  

    There is no need to refute Creationism with passages from the Bible.  Creationism cannot stand on its own anyway.

  5. God creates the earth before light or the sun? The sun needs to come first for a myriad of reasons, including but not limited to the fact that unless the earth forms from the debris spinning around the sun it cannot obtain a stable orbit. If you plop down a huge mass like the sun next to a small mass like the earth, the earth will just shoot right into the sun and be destroyed. If it's formed from spiraling dust and slowly congeals into a planet, only then does it have the angular velocity necessary to maintain a stable orbit.  

  6. In the beginning there was nothing

    Then some nothings got together and became something

    Then something exploded ( the “big bang” )

    Millions of years passed by.

    As the gaseous remains of the “big bang” spread out

    Some of it became galaxies, stars, and planets

    Millions of years passed by.

    On the planets it rained and it rained

    Millions of years passed by.

    Some rocks dissolved into puddles,

    And this became the primordial soup

    Millions of years passed by.

    Something in the soup decided to be life

    Millions of years passed by.

    This “life” mutated and mutated and

    Millions of years passed by.

    this is where ALL life comes from!

    Yeah Right!

    Give me CREATION as it is much more believable



  7. well... I see you are at least Reading the bible...

  8. Leave them be.  You cannot convince a fundie the sky is blue even if they're looking at it.

    But, keep driving the point, others are listening.

  9. So plants were created before the Sun - why, this is exactly what science tells us too!

    Ah, wait...

  10. Why do people even try to construct a 'scientific argument' based on a Bronze Age mind? That is what I would love to know. Is it really yay, yay, the Bronze Age? People actually thing there is something of merit from the people who brought us things like...

    The world is flat.

    Headaches can be cured by draining fluid off your brain.

    And who could forget, demonic possession is responsible for all mental illness.

    I mean I could go on, but why, it makes no sense.

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