
Data and evidences to prove that reservations should be scrapped.?

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all sorts of proofs to prove the statement that reservations should be scrapped.




  1. no of chief ministers in various states

  2. To the contrary!

    Since it's been discovered now that european-type

    people  were what have been called  "clovis culture"

    (after earliest human-made artifacts on  the North

    American continent--a peculiar large single-piece

    fluted  flint spear-point first  discovered  near

    Clovis New Mexico), we need reservations for

    the europeans too!

    They should be allowed to sell tax-free cigarettes,

    have casinos  and every one of them  who  can

    prove  some genetic similarity to  the  pre-10,000

    year-ago Americans should get  a big payment

    when they come of age and have special   group

    diplomatic relations with  our government.

    And yes, if they have any oil wells their

    oil lease money should be stolen by NYC.

  3. Now you want to take the Indians land?  Oh my god your house is presently resting ON INDIAN LAND, the entire nation is built on land that is Indain land.  Leave these people alone they have been through enough.  I say that if you are Indian you do whatever you want, and thanks for my yard, it's really cool of you even though we threw smallpox blanket on you and killed you wives and children.

  4. Policy decisions taken are politically oriented and not data and evidence oriented !

  5. reservation you mean (education & employment) given for socially and economically deprived class?

    Just like a sick or weak baby given extra special care by the mother reservation in education and Employment is must for socially & economically deprived class of people in the society to ensure social justice.

    Just like a mother while sick baby becomes alright, choose treat the baby equally on par with the other children government also should ensure equality by scrapping reservation trere by re-ensure social justice.

    but our beloved polititions with a view to win the vote bank prefer to see that the equality or upliftment of deprived class willnever happen to keep the agenda permanent.

    i heared somewhere the reservation was earlier given for 50 years thinkining that their position will improve in that time span.

    it can be scrapped only altleast the creamy layer is excluded periodically as rightly pointed out by Supreme Court.

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