
Data dvd's/dvd player?

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I have an older dvd player, it doesn't play much so I'm shopping for a new one.

I watch a lot of J-dramas and burn them to data cd's since I can fit more on it, but my old dvd player will not play them. Which is no big deal. However, for christmas I got a portable dvd player which will play my data dvd's.

I'm wondering, do I just need to get a newer dvd player to play them? what should I look for when buying to ensure that it will play the data dvd's?

I noticed i can make data dvd's with .srt subtitles and play them back in the portable dvd player, what should I look for in a home dvd player so that I know it will also play the sub files?

I know could just hook up my portable dvd player to the tv, but it really is a pain.

What do you guys think? (sorry, totally clueless when it comes to this)

Thanks :D




  1. Take the manual for your portable dvd player and show the salesperson the specifications page and tell them you want a dvd player that can play the same formats as your portable.

    However, no matter what it says in the manual,box or dvd player,  the only sure way of knowing if your J-drama will play on the new dvd player is to take one of them with you when you shop.  Put it in the dvd player and see if it plays.  

    I have a portable dvd player that plays mpeg files and I have a couple of home dvd players that state on the box and on the dvd player itself that it plays mpeg files but I find that the portable one does and the regular dvd players do not so you will really have to check.

  2. Anything you buy now should work fine. It would have to be a real piece of shet to not play your DVD-R. You can even get a 1080p upconverting DVD Player with all the features you want for 100 bucks or less. Check out

  3. Actually u are converting the files to mp3 to store more on each disc. that means u are conpressing the files to about 10%  of the quality. ive done it for years and it comes out fine. the highs arnt as high and the lows arnt as low as far as sound goes. but the only thing ur dvd player will need to be able to do is read mp3s so make sure it has the mp3 symbol on the front of the player. thats it. i been working at circuit city for 2 years
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